The availability and appropriate use of information are raw materials for actions to control, prevent and reduce diseases in health systems. Public health data in Brazil is produced by several isolated and unintegrated tools, making it difficult to elaborate the management of this information. DATASUS, Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (SUS), has several systems to produce information necessary for SUS management, such as the Outpatient Information System (SIA), the Hospital Information System (SIH), the Information System About Mortality (YES), among others. However, the data contained in these platforms are neither standardized nor integrated, and it is not possible, for example, to compare populations or follow up per patient. As a result, producing managerial information becomes an extremely arduous task. Studies related to health management improvement, especially public health, describe and present success stories with solutions related to the implementation of Data Warehouse (DW). Data Warehouse can be defined as a platform that contains an organization's data, centralized and organized so that users can simply extract complex analytical reports containing management information. DW projects consolidate and communicate data from different sources and formats in a process of cleaning, integrating and transforming data (Data Mining), making it available for quick access.The benefits of using DW technology are many, including quick decision making and better resource management. In relation to DATASUS, these techniques can represent a substantial advance and still contribute decisively to epidemiological and health surveillance studies through the identification and correlation of existing patterns in the data. Integrating DATASUS information systems databases is a prerequisite for a real breakthrough in utilizing the huge data contained in these systems. Initiatives such as the DW developed by the University of South Florida for community health management, and research group studies for the São Paulo State Department of Health (SES-SP) have been successful with the use of DW and encourage adoption of these tools as facilitators to increase the quality of public health. This paper proposes the creation of an environment for storing, centralizing, integrating and processing data from different SUS information systems. The information analyzed by the project will be extracted from the institutional websites of the Ministry of Health and DATASUS.