Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 04/09/2020
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Google Meet


I think and I (re)post, therefore I exist: a dialogical analysis of identities under the #Enemfeminista




Keywords: Identity. Twitter. Dialogism.

PAGES: 224
BIG AREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Linguística





Hall (2006), in his research in the field of Cultural Studies, points to the fragmentation of identity in its different and possible constructions; Bauman (2005), in turn, discusses identity liquidity, its property of constant change of form. Finally, Bakhtin argues that the subject is not a fixed entity, but transits in a movement of (re) signification, in constant relationship with itself and with the other. For him and his Circle, from the moment that something is stated, it starts to mean, refract and reflect. It is from this plurality of identity that the discourse emerges and we perceive a constant tension in it, that is, the statements are embedded in: ideologies, responsibility / responsiveness, otherness and discursive memory. The (de) constructions of these subjects are the result of this tension and to try to resolve it, the subject feels the need to talk about it. In this way, the dynamics of identity, fluid and plural, permeates the discourse, showing the relationship that the subject builds with himself/herself and with the other, which Bakhtin already pointed out as a dialogical relationship. That is, there is a growing and urgent need for the subject to belong, to be, to stay and to get his/her truth heard, either through demands - for example, by joining social movements, feminist movements, partisan movements, - or by deconstructions disconnected from these movements or by positions, derived from personal experiences, showing the social impositions, constructions and subversions of patterns, accepted and rejected ideologies. Fragmentation takes place in time and space, in a relationship of exotopia and chronotopy, in this direction, the boundaries between public and private are narrowed, through social networks, they become fluid, they fade, while also changing. The old and new format coexist in a liquid form, enabling the structures new, or returning to them as soon as the subject wishes, therefore, my physical self and my virtual self, my personal and public life, my real and intimate relationships and my relationships only through a screen are already mixed in such a way that they can be confused with each other. In this fragmentation that leads us to think beyond the structural and compositional aspects of language, we realize the need to analyze and understand how certain discourses are (re) produced, circulate and are (or are not) accepted in social practices, how they contribute or not for this identity (re) signification. Thus, in order to analyze this multifaceted dimension, we took a corpus of fifty Tweets below the hashtag #enemfeminista, of which twenty-four were chosen as samples, a sign that arises from the theme “The persistence of violence against women” by the ENEM (acronym for Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio; translation High School National Exam) 2015 essay. The objective of this paper is, therefore, to understand how certain discourses are (re) produced, circulate and are (or are not) accepted in social practices, how they or not to this (re) identity meaning. To subsidize the research, we will use Cultural Studies, Feminist Studies and Applied Linguistics, starting from the theoretical methodological framework of Dialogic Discourse Analysis, and finally, the texts of Bakhtin and Circle. The research showed us, in the first instance, the confirmation of fragmented identities, coexisting in the midst of a turbulent political-social conjuncture; in the second instance, we perceive the compelling need for belonging emitted by the subjects in their statements, as well as the considerable influence of the communicative spheres, through discourses that show macrogroups - feminists x anti-feminists-, at the same time that they are fragmented into plural micro identities.

Externo à Instituição - HÉLIO MÁRCIO PAJEÚ
Externa à Instituição - LUCIANE DE PAULA - UNESP
Presidente - 2211871 - RENATA ARCHANJO
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/08/2020 09:52
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