Work process of the nursing technician: their organization and their records in a university hospital
Nurse technician: Work process: Systematization
This study aimed to analyze the work process and the nursing technician's actions in the surgical sectors of the Central building of hospitalization of HUOL. It attempted to thus understand how is the organization of work, specifically in relation to welfare activities. The proposed descriptive study was performed in surgical sector of Onofre Lopes University Hospital in Natal / RN and included all nurses and nurse technicians who work in that sector. From an initial analysis of forms and available protocols, it was found that has a deficiency in the systematization of the procedures and the limitation of tools that can guide the technicians in the definition of a logic or sequence of its shares. With the use of various instruments (observation, closed questionnaire type survey), an analysis of how is the organization of nursing work was done. It was found that, in the view of those involved, their activities are performed randomly, without a formal instrument to order the actions or indicate who should guide the sequencing and priority of care actions. The results also indicated that, in general, such fragility parameters provide some personalization in care, translated into a performance that expresses the acquired habits and the particular vision of each professional regarding the process. It concludes, then, that far get a stiffening and absolute control of the act, it is necessary to optimize the organization of work from the choice and adoption of procedures to report and standardize the assistance, thus avoiding the uncertainty as to the parameters compromise the treatment given, bringing risks to patient health.