Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 24/04/2024
TIME: 09:00

Users Profile, Information Quality and Factors Associated with Information about HIV Status Among Men Who Have Sex with Men: A Study Of Serial Panels On Grindr


Mobile Applications; HSH; Sexual Behavior; HIV; Stigma; COVID-19; Health vulnerability

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Saúde Coletiva

Geosocial dating apps for men who have sex with men are a quick alternative to sexual encounters today. The social isolation caused by the covid-19 pandemic, at the same time that limited social encounters, has boosted encounters mediated by technology. In this way, the objective of this study was to identify the profile of users, evaluate the quality of information and the factors associated with the status informed about infection by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the profiles of Grindr® users. A cross-sectional study of serial panels was carried out based on an observational and randomized survey of the profile composition data of users of 750 men who have sex with men (MSM) in September of the years 2019, 2020 and 2021. In order to characterize the users' profile, a descriptive analysis was performed in terms of absolute and relative frequency. The quality of the information contained in the application was evaluated based on the completeness of filling in the fields and was classified as excellent (>90% of fields with non-null values), regular (70%-89%) and poor (<70%). Furthermore, Pearson's Chi Square, of Linear Trend and Prevalence Ratio (PR) tests were used in order to investigate which factors were significant and which factors were associated with self-reported HIV status. In all analyses, the association variables were taken into account: sociodemographic profile, identity attributes, use of the application and serological information for HIV. Of the 750 user profiles analyzed, 43.7% were white, 91.5% were single, 55.5% were aged between 20-29 years old, 44.3% were average build, 36.3% were versatile and 40 .0% were discreet. When analyzing these users' interests, 64.3% were looking for conversations, 54.7% were looking for friends, and 58.8% were not looking for anything at the moment. As for the other questions, 79.3% accepted photos at the beginning of the interaction, 75.7% referred to themselves as men and 94.7% reported negative HIV status. With regard to the completeness of the data, a poor quality of filling in the profiles was revealed that, in relation to the total of the panels, 15 fields were considered bad and 1 regular field and the period with better completeness of the data was during the year 2020. As for the linear trend analysis, the variable “age group” showed a stable expression over time, while “current relationship”, “gender identity” and “self-reported HIV status” showed a change during the pandemic period with an increase of single users, men who do not position themselves regarding identity and negative serological status. As for the analysis of factors associated with the variable “self-reported HIV status” by serial panels, 18 fields were analyzed. In the 1st panel, the factors with the greatest impact were "accepts NSFW photos, meeting place “bar” and ethnicity, in the 2nd panel were current relationship, “discreet” tribe and meeting place “your home”, while in the 3rd panel, “your house”, “bar” and “cafeteria” stand out as meeting places. The pandemic induced changes in the response pattern of identifying user profiles, being shaped mainly by expectations of collective acceptance. In this sense, users sought to approach an identity profile that would generate greater interactivity and acceptability within Grindr. This, when associated with the rise in cases of Covid-19 and social isolation, had an impact on improving the quality of profile information and greater use of the app to mediate sexual partnerships. The omission of serological status comes from the context in which people living with HIV are inserted, namely, they live with stigmatizing issues and challenges regarding access to health services, resulting in low testing among younger people. Thereby, this finding denounces the need for health policies that can prevent the increase in the incidence of HIV and the spread of social stigmas, with some of these measures increasing the levels of HIV testing and the availability of preventive treatments, especially among young people. ; promote, within the digital environment, information that deconstructs myths and encourages the importance of knowledge about their serological status and encourages research that considers the opinion of MSM living with HIV on how to overcome the social stigmas that generate negative impacts and discrimination still imposed on people affected by this disease.

Presidente - 277398 - KENIO COSTA DE LIMA
Externa ao Programa - 1645299 - MARISE REIS DE FREITAS - null
Notícia cadastrada em: 16/04/2023 22:48
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