Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 28/10/2022
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Videoconferência via meet




Keywords: Dialogism; Discursive arena; Fan culture; Fanfictions; Omegaverse.

PAGES: 258
BIG AREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Linguística
SUBÁREA: Linguística Aplicada

This doctoral research focuses on online fanfic communities, their way of functioning
and products, as well as on their relationships with the cultural practices of fans and with
cyberculture, which largely shape the ways in which we create, store and disseminate
knowledge, culture and memory nowadays. Here, I advance in exploring this culture
from a macroscopic point of view, through the observation of an internal, controversial
and certainly curious phenomenon inherent to fanfic communities: the Omegaverse.
Omegaverse is a fictional universe or fictional trope that emerged within fanfic
communities, created, used, expanded, and disputed by fans of various media fandoms
in recent decades. Its archaica merges with the emergence of media fandom itself, in
the Star Trek slash, and ramifies into a fusion of diverse references and
experimentation, from its stabilization and complexity in more recent fandoms. This trope
has become the center of several discussions and controversies, not only within the fan
movement itself, around disputes over representations of body, gender and sexuality,
but also in the pages of the New York Times, in a legal dispute over copyright, bursting
the bubble of the fan universe and gaining space for discussion in the mainstream
media. The objective of the present work is to understand the Omegaverse as a
dialogical product of fanfic communities and to observe the chorus of voices and the
discursive arena that constitutes critical production in fandoms, within the participatory
logic, both in the virtual environment and in the academic environment, to where aca
fans often lead these discussions. Starting from the theoretical-methodological
contribution of the Bakhtin Circle, also supported by studies on fan culture and fanfic, I
undertake the investigation through the collation of texts and the evidentiary method. I
use as corpus of analysis two articles in wiki format, specifically those from Wikipedia
(2022) and Fanlore (2022), which describe the universe, in addition to the academic
production of fans currently published around the trope and its issues, referenced in the
respective articles. The results point to the expression of the Omegaverse in its relations
with an archaica mainly characterized by science fiction from the 70's and 80's, notably
focused on issues of body, gender and sexuality tested to their imaginative limits; its role
in the production of ambivalent meanings within the fan movement, sometimes refracting
and in open dispute with sexist meanings that cross our society, sometimes reproducing
them: which does not go unnoticed by the fan community, especially a significant part of
this community composed of feminist women willing to contest such meanings.

Presidente - 1149420 - MARIA DA PENHA CASADO ALVES
Interna - 3654056 - JENNIFER SARAH COOPER
Externa à Instituição - MARICE FIUZA GELETKANICZ
Externa à Instituição - ANA CAROLINA SIANI LOPES
Externa à Instituição - LUCIANE DE PAULA - UNESP
Notícia cadastrada em: 20/10/2022 09:09
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