Bees and the sky; Environmental education; Education in Astronomy; Planetarium session; Video.
This dissertation presents the theoretical foundations used in the elaboration and evaluation of a planetarium session in flat screen video format on the theme “The bees and the skies”, addressed to the general public, as well as the session script and link to the video. The theme of the session aims at an articulation between Education in Astronomy and Environmental Education, considering the need for broader environmental awareness of the population and based on Sauvé's reflections (1997, 2005, 2008) on ways of seeing the environment when working on Environmental Education. For the elaboration of the session, the steps proposed by Freitas and collaborators (2013, 2015) were used. In the delimitation of the content and theme of the session step, a scientific deepening was carried out on bees and their relationship with the sky, as well as a study of conceptions about bees and their abilities to navigate the sky, together with students and people in general, in RN. The study, with 81 people, is also detailed in this text. This process resulted in a session with a general message: “Bees are essential for life on Earth and their perception of the sky is fundamental for their survival”. The information nucleos covered contents such as: the disappearance of bees; its importance in pollination; their use of the Sun to navigate in the sky and communicate about food sources; its differentiated perception of the light that arrives from the sky; cultural representations of bees in the skies; and bees in RN. To evaluate the session, an online presentation will be held with pauses for interactions between mediators and the audience. For this, 25 participants are expected, with whom an evaluation form of the session on Google will be used and, in a complementary way, interviews with a map of personal meaning (FALK; MOUSSOURI; COULSON, 1998) with 6 participants. Based on the evaluation, improvements to the product will be indicated.