Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 28/08/2024
TIME: 10:00
LOCAL: Plataforma Google Meet

Validation of educational technology for use by health professionals on palliative extubation.


Hospice Care. Intensive Care Units. Patient Care Team. Nursing.

BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Enfermagem

Palliative extubation consists of removing machines used to maintain breathing, when
this therapy is considered futile, in patients at the end of life who are imminently dying
immediately after the withdrawal of this support. This is a recent practice that faces
barriers such as: cultural and religious influences of health professionals, patients and
families, lack of guidelines and protocols in intensive care units, contributing to varied
clinical conducts and little knowledge about end-of-life care. Therefore, the objective of
this study is to validate a digital educational technology on palliative extubation for
health professionals. This is a descriptive, methodological study with a quantitative
approach, its methodological path is based on Filatro's instructional design, described in
four stages that guide the development of educational technologies. The first stage is the
analysis and will be carried out through a scoping review and cross-sectional research,
which aims to identify the knowledge about palliative extubation of health professionals
working in intensive care units, based on the principles of Ausubel's Meaningful
Learning Theory. The study site involves two university hospitals: one in the Northeast
and the other in the Southeast; the participants correspond to the population of nurses,
physiotherapists and doctors, who work in intensive care units, totaling 170 participants.
The data collection instrument will be sent to the institutional email of the participants
through an electronic form made available through a link on Google Forms. The data
will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Regarding the scoping
review, the framework of The Joanna Brigs Institute will be used, and its objective is to
map the state of knowledge about palliative extubation in adult patients admitted to
intensive care units. The second stage, design and development, consists of the
authorship and creation of a base text, followed by scripting, editing/preparation to
ensure the quality of the verbal and visual matrix. To meet the third stage,
implementation, the educational technology will be made available on a digital
platform. In the last stage, evaluation, the content and appearance will be validated with
experts in the subject of palliative extubation or related areas in the areas of nursing,
medicine and physical therapy, recruited via the Lattes platform, scored according to the
judge selection criteria established by Fehring. An instrument composed of four parts
will be sent to the expert judges: Identification of the expert judges, Instructions and
Criteria for evaluating content and appearance. Validation will be done with the average
of the content validity index >0.8, the Kappa coefficient (K) >0.6, and the appearance
validity index >0.78. The research will be conducted in accordance with Resolution No.
466/12 of the National Health Council, and therefore the project will be submitted to the
Research Ethics Committee. This educational technology is expected to facilitate health
professionals' knowledge about palliative extubation, reduce stigmas, and support
strategies for implementing and standardizing this practice through multidisciplinary

Externa à Instituição - ERIKA KIYOMI YUYAMA
Externo ao Programa - 1042373 - ALCIDES VIANA DE LIMA NETO - nullExterno à Instituição - CARLOS JORDAO DE ASSIS SILVA
Externa ao Programa - 2553720 - KATIA REGINA BARROS RIBEIRO - nullPresidente - 347635 - REJANE MARIA PAIVA DE MENEZES
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/08/2024 09:03
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