Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 21/08/2020
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: (Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa - RNP)

Assistive Technologies on sexually transmitted infeccions for blind persons: validation of content and semantics in the light of David Ausubel.


Visually Impaired Persons. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Health Education. Self-Help Devices. Information Technology.

PAGES: 147
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Enfermagem

The objective was to investigate evidence of content validation and semantic validation of virtual booklet and sound media for blind people about the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and viral hepatitis. Methodological development study, carried out with experts in special education and sexual and reproductive health and with blind people enrolled at the Support Center for the Visually Impaired (CADV), located in Mossoró/RN and at the Institute of Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind of Rio Grande do Norte (IERC/RN), located in Natal, from May 2018 to July 2020. The research was developed in four stages: (1) construction of content on prevention of STI/HIV/AIDS and Viral Hepatitis by conducting literature review on STI/AIDS prevention and blind people carried out in five databases (Virtual Health Library, Cochrane, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science) and verification of the adequacy of blind people's knowledge about prevention and transmission of STI/AIDS carried out with blind people registered at CADV according to defined eligibility criteria; (2) construction of the virtual booklet considering the five phases proposed by Falkembach (2005) - analysis and planning, modeling, implementation and evaluation and maintenance and distribution; and, of the podcast considering the steps proposed by Silva (2019) - definition of the theme, choice of participants, definition of the necessary equipment, preparation of the agenda, recording of the episode, editing of the podcast and publication of the episode); (3) content validation of the assistive technologies developed, carried out by means of evaluation by judges in the areas of special education and sexual and reproductive health, chosen by searching the lattes platform and according to the criteria established by Joventino; and, (4) semantic validation of the podcast performed by blind people enrolled at IERC / RN and who met the inclusion criteria of the research. The content and semantics validation steps were guided by Pasquali and all the research was developed in the light of the Theory of Meaningful Learning proposed by David Ausubel. The collected data were compiled and analyzed in an electronic data spreadsheet and, to respond to the research objectives, absolute and relative frequencies of the adequacy of knowledge about STI/AIDS prevention and transmission and the content validation verification instruments were calculated. semantic validation. The Content Validity Index was also calculated in order to analyze the agreement index between the judges in relation to the analyzed items, having been considered validated the items that obtained agreement greater than or equal to 70%. Ethical recommendations for research involving human beings were followed in accordance with Resolution No. 466/2012, having been submitted to the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, CAAE Nº 91753918.4.0000.5537. Inadequate knowledge of all participants on ways of transmitting some STIs / AIDS was identified and adequate control by most participants on HIV prevention and control methods. It was noticed that the manuscripts focused on the sexuality and sexual practices of people with visual impairments as risk factors for the development of STI/AIDS and the development, validation and testing of technologies as instruments for access of people with visual impairment to STI/information. AIDS. The virtual booklet was built following the international accessibility recommendations defined by the W3C and the podcast was recorded in a radio station studio, considering the transcribed agenda elaborated by the researcher. The content validation was performed by 29 judges in special education and 28 judges in sexual and reproductive health, in two rounds, and all items in the virtual booklet and the podcast had their content validated by these specialists. The items of the produced sound media were considered intelligible to all strata of the target population, conferring the podcast's appearance validation. It was concluded that the virtual booklet and podcast developed and validated in this research represent health education tools on STI / HIV / AIDS and Viral Hepatitis for blind people.

Externo à Instituição - ALEXSANDRO SILVA COURA - UEPB
Externo à Instituição - ELIÃ PINHEIRO BOTELHO - UFPA
Externa à Instituição - ELUCIR GIR - USP
Interna - 1863377 - MARIA ALZETE DE LIMA
Externo ao Programa - 1645299 - MARISE REIS DE FREITAS
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/07/2020 15:04
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