Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 01/12/2022
TIME: 16:00
LOCAL: (data e horário atualizados: 28/11 às 16h)

The teaching of games and socioemotional skills by a physical education teacher-researcher: a systematization perspective from the dynamics of the body


Physical Education, learning, emotional intelligence.

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

This research represents my intention to systematically relate aspects of socioemotional skills and Physical Education. The constant reflections made on physical education classes and the interpersonal relationships that take place in them made me think about the possibility of developing this dissertation. The research problem arises from the question of whether the Physical Education component can and should teach socio-emotional skills at school, considering its object of study and its specificity. In this context, the present study has the general objective: to identify the possible relationship of teaching socio-emotional skills in the specificity of physical education from the perspective of systematization of thematic content blocks. As specific objectives we have: the elaboration and application of a didactic unit of teaching in Physical Education based on thematic content blocks, specifically with regard to the dynamics of the body - inter(personal) aspects - psychology. The second specific objective is to understand the teaching of socio-emotional skills by school physical education, considering the cultural element Game. The study, with a descriptive characteristic, has a qualitative approach, based on the field study research modality. As specific research instruments, the diagnostic and final questionnaire, image records, and field diary were used. The places chosen for the pedagogical practices were the schools where the author had an employment relationship, being three schools in the interior of Paraíba: Raul de Freitas Mousinho, Guarabira-PB; José Tomaz de Aquino, Cuitegi-PB; Luiz Ignacio Ribeiro Coutinho, Sapé-PB. Only the school in the city of Sapé was in remote/online teaching mode. The intervention proposal had the amount of four classes based on the perspective of the systematization of the thematic content blocks of physical education. The emphasis in the analysis was on the structure of blocks 1 and 3. In block 1, the cultural element in question was the game. Block 3: intrapersonal/interpersonal aspects had as its central element – the aspects of psychology. The four classes addressed cooperative play and its relationships with four socio-emotional skills taught: self-control, empathy, emotional resilience, and collaboration. The classes selected to participate in the intervention were all from the 6th year of elementary school final years. Due to the pandemic period, in the cities of Guarabira and Cuitegi, face-to-face classes were divided into two groups, in which each group attended classes every fifteen days. Due to this system, only one group participated in the classes. Altogether 24 students had full participation, adding up to the three schools. It is concluded that it is possible for physical education to teach in a systematic way about socio-emotional skills so that students can have a comprehensive education at school, which provides knowledge and learning in the various dimensions of the human being: cognitive, motor, social and emotional.

Presidente - ***.572.168-** - LUIZ SANCHES NETO - UFC
Interna - ***.196.788-** - LUCIANA VENÂNCIO - UFC
Interna - 1714249 - MARIA APARECIDA DIAS
Externo à Instituição - CARLA ULASOWICZ - UFC
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/11/2022 19:36
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