Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 24/02/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Departamento de Enfermagem

Assessment of patient safety culture in a surgical center in different organizational contexts


Patient Safety; Organizational Culture; Surgicenters; Quality of Health
Care; Safety Management; Nursing.

PAGES: 150
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Enfermagem

The study aims to assess the patient safety culture in a surgical center in different organizational contexts. This research is in line with the national recommendations prepared by the Ministry of Health, inserted in the National Agenda of Priorities in Research, in axis 9 (Programs and Health Policies) regarding the evaluation of adverse events, and their impacts on public health and the evaluation of the National Patient Safety Program (PNPS) of the Unified Health System (SUS). In addition, it internationally supports the Global Patient Safety Action Plan, prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) to eliminate preventable harm in health care by the year 2030. Within the hospital environment, the operating room is considered a of the places with the highest technological density, with the performance of urgent or elective procedures capable of demanding, in most situations, resources and precise and efficient inputs in the face of the complex practices developed by health professionals. Given its complexity, it is estimated that unsafe surgical care can significantly affect individuals. In the hospital setting, nearly half of all adverse events in hospitalized patients are related to surgical care. It is believed that there are particularities in relation to the different management models (public and private) capable of favoring or hindering CSP, such as the hospital structure, staff dimensioning, number of employment relationships and financial incentives, as identified by researchers in another study. This study aims to evaluate the levels of patient safety culture in surgical centers in a public and a private institution. This is a cross-sectional study carried out in two hospitals, one publicly managed and the other privately managed. A total of 185 health professionals participated in the study, namely: nursing technicians, nurses and physicians from both surgical centers. The E-Questionnaire Software validated and adapted for Brazil, from the Hospital Survery on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC) of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) was used as an instrument for data collection. The collected data were exported from the E-questionnaire Software to a database in the Microsoft Office Excel version 2020 program and a descriptive analysis was used containing patient safety indicators. To analyze the results, the statistical software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) temporary version 25.0 was used to compare the findings in the referred hospitals. This study was assessed by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) obtaining a favorable opinion with CAAE 61763422.5.0000.5537 and opinion number 5,664,688. When evaluating and comparing the profile of positive responses, it was observed that for the private hospital, four dimensions were strong, with a percentage of positive responses above 75%: 3-Expectations and actions of the direction/supervision of the unit/ services that favor safety (78.1%); 4-Organizational learning/continuous improvement (87.6%); 5- Teamwork in the unit/service (78.4%) and 10- Hospital management support for patient safety (79.4%) were the dimensions with the best results. As for the public hospital, no dimension showed values above 75%, with the best results being 4-Organizational learning/continuous improvement (73.9%); 5- Teamwork in the unit/service (70.8%); and 12-Problems with shift changes and transitions between units/services (52.1%). About the worst scores, for the private hospital, there are the following dimensions: 8-Non-punitive response to errors (33.6%); 1-Frequency of reported events (60.1%) and 12-Problems with shift changes and transitions between units/services (60.2%). In the public hospital we have: 8-Non-punitive response to errors (15.6%); 2-Perception of safety (34.3%) and 1-Frequency of reported events (35.4%). The study concluded that there are differences between the types of public and private management regarding the patient safety culture and guide managers in the actions promoted in the surgical center in both scenarios, allowing better health outcomes, quality of care and reduction of events adverse.

Externa à Instituição - CAREN DE OLIVEIRA RIBOLDI
Externa ao Programa - 1222022 - CECILIA OLIVIA PARAGUAI DE OLIVEIRA SARAIVA - nullPresidente - 1506238 - QUENIA CAMILLE SOARES MARTINS
Notícia cadastrada em: 03/02/2023 14:01
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