The construction of the performance of the work Fantasia Sul América para Trompa solo of Claudio Santoro
French horn. Technical-Interpretative. Claudio Santoro. Study strategies. Building performance.
This research is a study on possibilities and strategies for the preparation of the piece “Fantasia Sul América para Trompa solo” (1983), of the composer Claudio Franco de Sá Santoro (1919-1989), in view of the technical, interpretative difficulties and their characteristics. In carrying out this work, a qualitative methodology was used, with an emphasis on bibliographic and documentary research, these being grouped and analyzed. For the theoretical foundation, it was necessary to understand the universe of music research as well as its subareas and horn research. For the preparation of the performance of “Fantasia Sul América para Trompa solo”, the following musical elements were approached, aiming at the development of the horn technique: sonority, flexibility, articulation, extension and resistance. As a result of the research, it was found that through these fundamentals it was possible to create a routine with studies that will serve as a proposal for horn players who wish to study “Fantasia Sul América para Trompa solo”.