PPGMUS PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM MÚSICA ESCOLA DE MÚSICA Téléphone/Extension: (84) 99474-6734 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/ppgmus


Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 10/01/2022
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência

Musical learning and the daily life of childhood: a research in the Curso de Iniciação Artística da EMUFRN – CIART.


Everyday life. Childhood. Musical Education. Children's Musicalization.

PAGES: 111
BIG AREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Artes

This research aimed to understand the main influences of everyday elements in the musical learning of students in a 1st year (afternoon) class of the Artistic Initiation Course at the UFRN Music School (CIART). This is a musical initiation course for children from 6 to 9 years old. Classes are taught by monitors (students of the Degree in Music at UFRN). To achieve the proposed objective, we sought to understand the children's cultural contexts; understand how their daily lives are outlined; identify the everyday elements that children brought to the music class; and identify the relationships they build between the musical content and elements worked in the classroom and their daily lives. The research was carried out during a semester with children aged 6 and 7 years old, students of the 1st year (afternoon) class of CIART. This study refers to authors from Sociology, Sociology of Childhood, History, Philosophy and Education, such as Heller (2000), Freire (1996), Sarmento (2003), Gomes (2008), Ariès (2011) and Giddens (2012). The research was developed as an ethnographic case study (MARTUCCI, 2001; MOREIRA, 2002; ANDRÉ, 2005). As for the production and collection of data, these consisted of documentary research, participant observation, production of a field diary, semi-structured interviews in a conversation wheel format and production of drawings with the children, in addition to semi-structured interviews with parents/guardians by the children in the class. Photographs and audio and video recordings were also produced. From the data analysis, it was possible to notice that the children related the contents worked on in music classes to elements of their daily lives outside the classroom. In this way, musical elements were transformed into different things. In addition, they brought their media references and prior knowledge to the music class. In contact with symbols, instruments, sounds and music, memories of objects and facts already known or experienced were raised. In this dialogic movement, the children built their musical learning. When faced with the musical elements and the contents of the classes, they established a connection with their daily experiences, giving new meaning to them and building new knowledge. It was also possible to observe how the children's routine influences the quality of their musical learning. It is considered that this work has relevance for an understanding of the relationship between children's daily lives and practices in music education, bringing reflections on the importance of the music teacher's perspective on the act of listening to children and incorporating their knowledge of life. to the pedagogical process. By identifying the everyday elements that children bring to the classroom and understanding how these aspects influence their musical learning, it is possible to reflect on the teaching-learning process and, based on that, conduct it in a more efficient and appropriate way. to the musical learning of these children. It is also considered that this work can collaborate with the group involved in the research, in order to support the construction of an educational process that is increasingly coherent and meaningful.

Externo ao Programa - 3235355 - MARIO ANDRE WANDERLEY OLIVEIRA
Presidente - 2321206 - TAMAR GENZ GAULKE
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/12/2021 17:01
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