PPGMUS PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM MÚSICA ESCOLA DE MÚSICA Téléphone/Extension: (84) 99474-6734 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/ppgmus


Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 31/03/2017
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala 22 Escola de Musica

STUDY SUPERVISED IN MUSIC IN CHILDREN EDUCATION: a study with graduates of the course of Full Degree in Music of UFRN


Supervised Internship, Child Education, Teacher Autonomy, Musical Education.

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Artes

This Dissertation aims to analyze the teacher autonomy process built by the musical educator egress in the Full Degree in Music course at UFRN, from the supervised internship. It’s a research with a qualitative base and theory ground based in the dialog with authors like Freire, Pimenta (2012), Contreras (2012) and Zatti (2007). The insertion of the researcher on the field started in the fulfillment of the curricular component of ES at the Full Degree in Music course, offered by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CLPM/UFRN), in the period of 2014.1, having through this experimentation, acquired some experience with this referred target audience. The experience tested by the researcher in this curricular component awaked the epistemological curiosity about the subject so, about the views of the ingress of herself at PPGMUS/UFRN, the researcher found an opportunity to deepen her knowledge about the theme, and so she directed her investigation for this field, where driven by the importance and the necessity to investigate some inherent points to the act of teaching/learning, understanding that the teacher’s autonomy is one of these points, so the research progress has begun. This search was made with six egresses in the course (CLPM/UFRN) that fulfilled the curricular component referred as Supervised Internship I (in Child Education) in the periods of 2013.1 and 2014.1. From the internship realized in many contextualization of Child Education, it was investigated how the Music Educator teacher autonomy initial process has structured, who made its supervised internship directed to child education in these contexts. This way, the supervised internship is noticed as a practice that provides autonomous posture and reaffirms actions of the pedagogic practice, composing this way a didactic repertoire that favors the action of the intern along with the commitment with the quality of the work that it will develop after its initial formation. As a research technique it was applied an opened quiz about the contextualization between their internships and the locus where the internships were fulfilled, as well as through the analysis of the internship report and the own curricular structure of CLPM/UFRN. The results of the search were given by a content analysis based in grounds of Bardin (2011). Through this investigation, we can know the professional experiences lived by the egresses of the Full Degree in Music course at UFRN, that contribute for building a teacher autonomy from the immersion of these interns in the schools of Child Education, they’re impressions that marked the initial life of these educators. The participants of this research are just graduated young people who are now officially getting into the teaching universe. This search also brings considerations to the child public, with which the egress who participated of this research fulfilled this obligatory curricular component, supervised internship I of music in the Child Education, in these aspects dialogs are outlined with the involved authors in the process of education for the childhood. The outlined dialogs point the child as a social being, as well as outline a brief history about this initial period of life.

Externo à Instituição - CARLA PEREIRA DOS SANTOS - UFPB
Externo à Instituição - ELIANE LEAO - UFG
Presidente - 1149577 - VALERIA LAZARO DE CARVALHO
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/03/2017 12:27
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