Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 17/12/2021
TIME: 09:00



Alienation; Emancipation; Experience; Artist-workers; Directed self-criticism.

PAGES: 164
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Psicologia

In this research, we focus on the artist-worker who, situated amidst the capitalist logic, is in the dilemma of producing art following its own creative principles and/or a consumption art, which is able to guarantee its survival and the material continuity of its activity. Thus, when the subject continuously treats his productive force only as a commodity, he becomes alien to himself, to the actions managed on the environment and the product of his activity in a process that Marx and Lukács define as Alienation. In the artistic field, this mismatch can lead to several limitations in the construction of the work of art and, consequently, compromise the permanence in the craft. On the other hand, according to the reference authors, an eventual emancipation from this condition may come from the realization of the work itself, reestablishing authentic actions and the dialectic between the individual-social on conscience. To interact through this issue, we approached the unit of systemic analysis known as Vivência (Perejivânie), in the light of Lev Vigotski, a concept that refers to the impacts of experiences that form a field of reference in development, by connecting subject-environment. Therefore, this Thesis intends to analyze the alienation-emancipation processes and their relationship with the artist-work-society triad in the artist-worker's experience. As specific objectives, we assume: I) Relate the constructs of Alienation-emancipation and Living (Perejivânie); II) Develop a method that allows the identification of alienation-emancipation, within the scope of the artist-worker's experience; III) Analyze, from categories arising from the theoretical intersection, between alienation-emancipation-experience, the singular articulations under the artist-workers. We verified that from the relationship between Living and the alienation-emancipation binomial, we understand the stratification of alienating states in their estrangement through work, because both concepts occur in the subject's daily formation. Therefore, it was possible, through theoretical intersection, to extract the following categories of analysis that constitute opposites in unity: continuity/discontinuity, production/reproduction and individuality/collectivity. We then developed the method of directed self-criticism, based on the assumption that the relationship of the artist-worker with the materiality of the work of art indicates milestones in the development of the activity and the crossings to continue exercising it. This research had the participation of five artist-workers, active and with an extensive career in the field of performing arts, submitted to two stages of directed Self-criticism, which consist of: I) Brief semi-structured interview; and II) Artist-work(s) confrontation, aimed at reconstituting the professional path based on elements of creation and/or work(s), showing artistic repertoire as a dialectical process of experiences. This path allowed not only to locate the alienation-emancipation processes, but to recognize, within the experience of each participating artist-worker, the changes, permanence and consequences of choices about themselves and others in direct relation to the reality of their Work. It is understood that there is an occurrence of what we call emancipation processes – even though these are transitory, they present displacements from the initial alienating state, allowing for new experiences. The interventional character of the method is also verified, as an experience, by raising awareness processes about the work, allowing the glimpse of potential creative actions.

Externa à Instituição - BETANIA MOREIRA DE MORAES - UECE
Presidente - 1033183 - FELLIPE COELHO LIMA
Interno - 214.475.274-53 - HERCULANO RICARDO CAMPOS - UFRN
Externa à Instituição - KATIA MAHEIRIE - UFSC
Notícia cadastrada em: 07/12/2021 13:51
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