GeoLEAP, a geostatistical software for building heterogeneous petroleum reservoir models
Geostatistics, variography analysis, kriging, conditional simulation
Geostatistics aims to spatial characterization of a variable by means of studies of its distribution and spatial variability, it is an important tool in reservoir modeling. It promotes interdisciplinary, improving the relationship among geologists, petroleum engineers and statisticians. The two main components of Geostatistics are the estimation and simulation. Nowadays, geostatistical software encompasses a wide range of products in terms of price, operating systems, user-friendliness, functionalities, graphical and visualization capabilities. In the present study, it was built to geostatistical software with an academic purpose and open-code that allows users to modify and improve the algorithms. Named GeoLEAP, the software allows 2D and 3D analysis with a user-friendly interface. The GeoLEAP is capable of variography and model-building using estimation and simulation. Two set of data were studied to validate the software, one two-dimensional and the other three-dimensional. In both cases, it was done the variography analysis. The results showed that the techniques implemented in GeoLEAP are capable of building heterogeneous models that present global and local precision.