Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 07/10/2019
HORA: 14:30
LOCAL: sala B7, setor V



Spatial Econometrics, Bonus, Payment to Teachers, Impact Evaluation, Overeducation, Panel Data.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Economia

This dissertation is composed of three independent essays in economics of education that have as general objective to investigate the educational externalities, to evaluate the impact of policies of  bonus payment to teachers and to estimate the effect of overeducation in workers' incomes by through of microeconometrics models. The first essay investigate the overflow of the quality of education through average proficiency in Portuguese and Mathematics for students of the final years of elementary school by of econometric spatial models. Were are used micro-data of Basic Education Evaluation System (BAES) and data from the of Child and Adolescent Observatory published by the National Institute of Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (NISR), the of Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (BIGS) and of the Finance Brazil Portal (FINBRA), the period of analysis being 2011 years and 2015 for the 5570 Brazilian municipalities. The results obtained confirmed the initial hypothesis of the study of the existence of educational spillovers among the municipalities, in which evidences of spatial dependence were found in the school achievement of the municipalities and in the explanatory variables,suggesting that the best specification is given by the Spatial Durbin Model(SDM). The second essay aims evaluate the impact of the Value School Program - bonus payment program to teachers of the initiative of the Government of Paraíba State - on the school approval rate, abandonment rate and the average proficiency in portuguese and mathematics of the students from award-winning schools. Due to data availability and the fact that the selection criteria for the program, as well as the award-winning schools, change annually, were used the techniques of Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Differences in Differences (DD) to evaluate the impact of the program in a specific year, namely 2016. To this end, we used the microdata of the SAEB and the School Census for the years 2015 (pre-treatment) and 2017 (post-treatment) for public schools (state and municipal) in the state of Paraíba, available through the INEP. The third essay aims to analyze the incidence and the effects of overeducation on the incomes of workers graduated from the state of São Paulo, in the period 2003-2013. To achieve this goal, the measurement of schooling was requested through the Job Analysis method (JA) based on the information of the Brazilian Classification of Occupations (CBO 2002). Were identified and selected the 148 occupational families of CBO 2002 that require higher education and used the microdata of the Annual Report of Social Information - Migration (RAIS-MIGRATES) which allows the monitoring of individuals with bond of formal work in Brazil along the time. Through the estimation of a model of panel data with fixed effects to control for non-observable characteristics of individuals and to test the hypothesis that the overeducation is actually due to the problem of omitted variable bias.

Interna - 080.004.854-78 - ANA CLÁUDIA ANNEGUES DA SILVA - UFRN
Interno - 2323056 - DIEGO DE MARIA ANDRE
Presidente - 1474874 - JANAINA DA SILVA ALVES
Externa ao Programa - 3060425 - JULIA ROCHA ARAUJO
Notícia cadastrada em: 26/09/2019 07:43
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