Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 17/06/2016
HORA: 10:00
LOCAL: Auditório I do DPP/Labplan

Outsourcing work in the sewing factions of Seridó Potiguar Oriental


Labour Outsourcing; Precarious work; Factions sewing; Seridó Potiguar.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Planejamento Urbano e Regional

Emerging as a relatively new phenomenon in the world of work, outsourcing is mercada two contexts, flexibility and precariousness, which are of fundamental importance in ways that capital is presented as manager and ruler of the workforce of individuals and can be considered new strategies labor domination (Druck, 2008). Both flexibility as casualization are inspired Toyotist model, by giving primacy to the workforce and with the purpose gains in productivity through the reduction in production costs. All the above mentioned strategies make up the so-called "flexible accumulation" (Harvey, 1992) characterized by financial logic that is contained in a more complex universe, the productive logic of capital. Northeast Brazil there is a replacement process permeated industrial system of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, the sugar industry to Furtado (1958) was "the most profitable agricultural colonial business of all time" and even then responsible for economic dynamism in the region begins to suffer successive crises that have come to cause the firing of then-production model, which ends up being replaced by the vector of the Industrial Revolution, the textile industry is in the process of expansion around the world. Possessing a notorious record in export of cotton production, driven by the decline of the northern cotton growing - American, caused by the Civil War, the Northeast using this substantially tradition for years later figured in the national scene with the advent of industry textile. So do not back a new phenomenon in relation to the industrial sector, it is noted that there is a reinvention in the way of producing, what was conditioned primary production work today is being reassembled outsourced. In the case of Rio Grande do Norte state with tradition in cotton production, there the deployment and redeployment of the textile branch factories and clothing in Seridó Potiguar. The Seridó of Rio Grande do Norte reveals quite curious situations in their reality, which suggests a certain location uniqueness attitudes and choices revealed in creative management of small businesses, or even in solving some collective problems (BASTOS, 2009). The difference that exist in the study that we will develop, which tangency of historical research are three sources of evidence / research methods, in this case: participant observation, questionnaires and an established series of in-depth interviews.

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Notícia cadastrada em: 13/06/2016 10:17
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