Water quality; Eutrophication; Health risks; Environmental perception.
With an estimated population of 3.5 million, the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) has a large part of its territory inserted in the Brazilian semiarid, which, due to its environmental characteristics, faces difficulties due to water scarcity, burdened when the The quality of available water is degraded as a result of the natural geological characteristics and anthropic activities developed in the region. From this perspective, the general objective of this research is to investigate the water quality of state reservoirs and their relevance as a risk factor for population health. The scientific activity addressed was planned in three parts. Chapter 1 deals with the characterization of the water quality of a representative reservoir in terms of its relevance in regional supply. For this the selected study area was the municipality of Caicó, inserted in the domain of the Piancó-Piranhas-Açu Watershed. The research was carried out through water quality analysis represented by the Trophic State Index and qualiquantitative occurrence of cyanobacteria. The database used was obtained from the Blue Water Program. The obtained results were subsidy for the definition of the potential health risks related to eutrophication in the period from 2008 to 2016. In chapter 2, considering the contribution to the knowledge of the perception of environmental quality from the society's perspective inserted in the area of interest, An environmental perception study was conducted by applying interviews to residents of different neighborhoods in the city of Caicó, including information regarding sociodemographic characteristics such as: infrastructural and economic aspects of family nuclei, information on social, cultural and sanitary characteristics. , besides environmental aspects and their relationship with them. The results provided relevant information related to the environmental problems experienced by the population, providing a subsidy to promote the improvement of the quality of the environment in which the population is inserted. Finally, Chapter 3 will address, based on the results obtained in the first two chapters, a comprehensive study of the water resources of the state of RN and their consequences on population health through information available in the Blue Water Program reporting database. from 2008 to 2016, where the characterization will be performed through physicochemical, microbiological and toxicological parameters. In addition, an analysis of the occurrence of waterborne diseases of higher prevalence in the newborn population will be approached using the information available in the databases of the Primary Care Information System (SIAB) of the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS). However, an ecological epidemiological study will be conducted to interpret the influence of water quality on the health profile of the population. The results will be useful to understand the relevance of water quality in population health and contribute to the management and decision making regarding the availability of water, as well as to minimize and mitigate the health impacts linked.