Environmental Systems; Environmental Vulnerability; Geosystemic approach; Galinhos; SIG.
The present research has as general objective to evaluate the environmental vulnerability of the municipality of Galinhos to the detriment of its geoenvironmental and socioeconomic characteristics, regarding the land use and occupation patterns, its environmental systems, the potentialities and limitations of use and their implications in the modification of space. It is composed as follows: the chapter of theoretical foundation presents the theoretical-methodological bases of the concepts and theories that guide the development of this research, such as geosystemic theory, ecodynamic theory, landscape concepts, geosystems and stability of environmental systems; the concepts of risk and vulnerability are presented in order to reduce confusion in understanding these concepts. The chapter 3 presents the general characterization of the study area, detailing the environmental components (geology, geomorphology, climate, soils, hydrography and vegetation) that give support to the mapping of environmental systems and consequently the analysis of the environmental vulnerability of the study area. In Chapter 4 the technical and methodological procedures for the development of the research and the generation of the cartographic products are presented, having as theoretical and methodological support for the mapping of environmental systems, the assumptions of Bertrand (2004), Sotchava (1977), Tricart 1977), Monteiro (2000), Souza (2000) among others; and the generation of cartographic products with the support of Geographic Information Systems and the use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft (ARP), which is popularly called a drone. The analysis of environmental vulnerability will be made possible by the adaptation of the methodology presented by Crepani et. al. (2001). Chapter 5 presents the first results obtained in the development of the research, that is, from the theoretical contributions of the geosystemic theory, it was possible to map the environmental systems of the municipality of Galinhos, resulting in the following division: Geosystems (or Geocomplexes): Dune; Mangrove and apicum; Beach; Semiarid coastal board, Semiarid interior board and Lake valley; Geofácies: Estuary Galinhos-Guamaré; Interdunary ponds; Tank of Shrimp farming-Saline, permanent agriculture in semi-arid coastal board and semi-arid interior tray; Temporary agriculture in semi-arid coastal board and semi-arid interior tray; Mobile dunes and semi-dunes; Mangrove; Hypersaline Plain and Wind Farm.