THE SOCIOENVIRONMENTAL CONFLICT IN THE APODI/RN TABLELAND: a dispute between agribusiness and family agriculture.
Family Agriculture; Agribusiness; Resistance; Territory; Water
The research presented in this dissertation aboard the socio-environmental conflict developed in the Apodi Tableland, Rio Grande do Norte state. This conflict start from the resistance of the farmers in the tableland of Apodi against the implantation of the Irrigate Perimeter of Santa Cruz do Apodi, through the National Department of works against the drought. In This way, has as general objective analyze the socio-environmental developed in the Tableland of Apodi, Rio Grande do Norte state and his consequences. For so, part of the follow specific objective, investigate the factors that contribute to the development of this conflict; identify the social actors and the environmental resource involved; identify the interest and claims of de Resistance Movement in relation with the natural resource and to the territory; verify if has been any violation to the Rights of the farmers and of the environment, in virtue of the implantation of the irrigate perimeter. The methodological procedures used were the documentary research, through we analyzed documents referring to the irrigated perimeter and the Resistance Movement, and the field research, through interviews by sampling the social actors involved. The data analysis demonstrate that this socio-environmental conflict possess social, political, juridical and environmental dimension, and more than represent a dispute between two model of agricultural production, the agroecological family agriculture and the agribusiness, comprehend so the fight for the defense of that territory and the warranty of the Right to the water, something that ends generate reflex in the state base, considering the purposes for which the water resources of the Santa Cruz Dam and the Jandaíra Aquifer are destined. Also has been noticed the necessity of start a debate about the Right to the social territory, in other words, the Right of the people and community that keep relation of affectivity with the space where their live, of to stay in this biophysical environment, given the symbolism, tradition and collective memory that this place possesses. In this sense, we denote the implantation of big projects without consultation of the local community leads to conflicts and Rights violation that can be minimized through the preview consultation and social participation.