THE SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL CONFLICT OF CHAPADA DO APODI / RN: a dispute between agribusiness and family agriculture
Socio-environmental conflict, Family Agriculture, Agribusiness, Water
This article presents a discussion about the aspects of the socio-environmental conflict developed in the Chapada do Apodi, in the Rio Grande do Norte state. As a starting point for your understanding introduce a rescue of the historical context of this location and about the studies for the implementation of the Irrigated Perimeter Santa Cruz do Apodi. Next, we identify who are the social actors who act directly or indirectly in this conflict, as well as the natural resources that are in dispute. From the analysis of these elements, it can be understood that this socio-environmental conflict expresses a dispute between two agricultural production models, agribusiness and family agriculture, for the territory and water resources of that region. In addition, it was possible to observe that this socio-environmental conflict has social, political, legal and environmental dimensions. We used documental and empirical research as methodological procedures, which was developed based on the ethnography of the socio-environmental conflict or multiple actors, proposed by Little (2006).