Rural poverty, public policy, coping with poverty, traditional communities
Considered a phenomenon of innumerable characteristics and complex resolution, poverty has caused many individuals to live in inadequate conditions, in constant need of basic services such as health, education, environmental sanitation, that is, poverty deprives them of essential rights which were supposed to be provided by the government. In Brazil, poverty rates are still high and worrying, inequality in income distribution is discrepant. As measures to cope with poverty, government actions lead the developing of public policies that provide the economic autonomy of individuals, focusing mainly on income transfer programs. Therefore, on June 2, 2011, through Decree No. 7,492, the Brazil Without Misery Plan (PBSM) was created with the challenging objective of overcoming extreme poverty by the end of 2014. In this way, the PBSM starts to act in the Territory of Mato Grande / RN, whose reality of poverty, especially in rural areas, is tangible and lacking alternatives for resolution. Therefore, the research aims to identify, from the perception of the beneficiaries of the PBSM in the Territory of Mato Grande, if there really was a change in the lives of these people, especially with regard to the Productive Inclusion axis, analyzing their direct intervention in the social, Economic and environmental. For this purpose, 34 interviews were carried out with the beneficiary families of the PBSM of the communities of Serrote de São Bento / João Câmara, the Baixa de São Miguel / Poço Branco and Ingá / Taipu, firstly to recognize the socioeconomic profile of these families. To accomplish such aim, an ethnographic analysis of the perception they have about the actions of the PBSM was made. It was used also as a mechanism for evaluating this Plan, since it is a collection of the impressions of individuals who have experienced each of the actions. Among the results, it was observed that the beneficiary families of the PBSM that meet most of the requirements for inclusion in this public policy are those with low levels of income and schooling, poor access to health services and education. In regard of the Productive Inclusion, It can be said that the receipt of the promotion and initial investment in a productive activity, reached the goal of alleviating poverty, but these same beneficiaries made it clear in their testimonies that these actions were only temporary. Therefore, public policies to cope with the situation of poverty do exist, but they need to be expanded, just as beneficiaries need to be empowered, so they will be individuals aware of their attitudes towards the maintenance of their rights.