Evaluation of Emergency Remote Teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Accounting Course of Higher Education Institutions in NATAL/RN
Teaching-learning; Exceptional Remote Learning; University education
With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions all over the world were strongly impacted, as the social distancing policy adopted in several countries made it impossible to carry out in-person classes. As a measure to promote the continuity of academic activities, the Ministry of Education instituted, through an ordinance, the Emergency Remote Teaching (ERE), whose implementation process, as in several countries, was carried out in an unplanned manner. This study has as general objective to evaluate the teaching and learning process of remote classes, from the perspective of Accounting Sciences Course professors at the IES of Natal/RN. Therefore, i t is intended to develop an exploratory study of a qualitative nature through a survey, using an online questionnaire in a sample of 38 HEI teachers in RN, seeking to capture the perception of teachers regarding the limiting and promoting factors in implem entation of the ERE. Analyzing the teachinglearning process in the context of the ERE is necessary, especially in the Accounting course, due to the importance of the accounting professional in the country's economic development.