Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 25/02/2021
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Google Meet

Multifunctionality of TIPO in the speech of Natal/RN: grammaticalziation with a focus on social implications


TIPO. Morphosyntactic functions. Discursive functions. Grammaticalization. Functionalist approach.


BIG AREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Linguística

This thesis investigates the diverse functions of the linguistic item TIPO, in the textual and interactional scope, in the speech of Natal/RN. It is a study based on American linguistic functionalism (cf. GIVÓN, 1981, 1995, 2001; HOPPER, 1991; TRAUGOTT, 2010) and aims to obtain indications about the trajectory of grammaticalization that this element has been following, through the mapping, description and characterization of the functions identified in Natalense speech, correlated to factors of a social nature (age, sex and educational level), linguistic (syntactic scope and textual sequence) and stylistic (relationship between interviewer and interviewee). In this way, this research also dialogues with the variationist sociolinguistics (cf. LABOV, 1972, 1994, 2001), making use of the proposals of this theory regarding linguistic change with regard to social and stylistic explanations. The data for the analysis, which totaled 305 occurrences of the item in focus, come from the database named Banco de Dados Fala-Natal. This database is composed of 48 stratified interviews regarding age (8 to 12 years, 15 to 21 years , 24 to 45 years old, over 50 years old), sex (female, male) and educational level (elementary I, elementary II and high school). Among the various uses identified, were mapped 13 functions performed by TIPO. Four of these functions were classified as morphosyntactic/textual: comparison, exemplification, explanation and conclusion, in which TIPO plays more textual roles like, linking sentences and being more mandatory in the structure; and nine functions were classified as discursive/interactional ones, namely: elaboration marking, reworking marking, informational inaccuracy marking,  factual introduction, emphasis marking, approximate delimitation, introduction of direct quote, sequencing marking and clarification request, in which TIPO plays more interactional roles, related to the speaker's attitudes towards the listener. These functions were described and characterized according to semantic and pragmatic aspects and organized in a continuum of (inter)subjectification (cf. TRAUGOTT, 1982), following the order of more subjective meanings to more intersubjective ones, which seems to indicate the trajectory of grammaticalization of the item. This order is related to the incidence of similarity, planning and emphasis traits, respectively, so that, apparently, the first tends to relate to the morphosyntactic functions, in which the element has more subjective meanings, and the others to the interactional ones, in which has more intersubjective meanings. In addition, they were correlated with social, linguistic and stylistic factors.

Presidente - 1451510 - MARIA ALICE TAVARES
Externa ao Programa - 1525199 - ERICA REVIGLIO ILIOVITZ
Externa à Instituição - MARIA JOSE DE OLIVEIRA - IFRN
Notícia cadastrada em: 18/02/2021 11:46
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