Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 22/02/2019
HORA: 14:30
LOCAL: Sala de Reunião, Centro de Biociências, UFRN



risk communication; heavy metals; environment pollution; public health; phytoremediation; algaroba

ÁREA: Ciências Ambientais

Anthropogenic actions in mining activities such as iron, lead and other metals of commercial interest contribute to the release of wastes that constitute one of the main forms of pollution and environmental contamination by metals. The present work consists of bibliographical researches and two chapters in the format of articles, and its objective is the evaluation of Prosopis juliflora (Sw) DC as the potential phytoremediation agent of tailings from mining, and the evaluation of the perception of the risk given the exposure to the environmental toxicants by the resident population and working in area 1, Mina Brejuí, inserted in the municipality of Currais Novos-RN. For the accomplishment of the objectives, in this first part of the review and of chapter 1, the methodology of bibliographical researches, interviews in loco and application of semistructured questionnaires for the specific population was used. The results obtained in chapter 1, whose title is the evaluation of the perception of risk in a population of the Northeastern semi-arid region potentially exposed to toxicants from the mining activity, revealed a stable population at the place of study with a high educational level and more of half the workers interviewed described safe practices for the handling of toxic substances in the workplace. Regarding concern for environmental quality, less than 20% indicated environmental problems. Already 82.2% showed concern about the environment and 62.2% perceived maltreatment to it. However, most of the interviewees did not present knowledge about the main environmental impact of the mining activity through the release of heavy metals into the environment. Statistically significant (p <0.05) were observed regarding the use of PPIs versus schooling, and when we related the concern with the environment versus the level of education of the population, a statistically significant association was observed (p <0, 0001), thus confirming the influence of schooling on the behavior of the population in face of environmental problems. There was no association between other variables, especially when associated with exposure to diseases and contamination of water quality. Even though the majority of the population does not present knowledge about environmental toxicants, and about the natural contamination or generated by the mineral activity, there is a perception of the risk with the environment to its surroundings, which can be observed in the answers regarding the concern with the same, and with maltreatment. However, new studies must be carried out, thus enabling a better management of possible problems such as exposure to environmental toxicants due to work activity, and thus to take mitigating measures, if necessary, by the Mineradora together with the resident population in the mine. It is important to highlight that the reduction of vulnerability factors and / or their absence contribute to minimize the associated risks, serving as a subsidy to be deepened in order to understand their importance and their insertion in contexts of environmental impact such as those resulting from the extractive activity. The title of the second chapter in an article form was Fitorremediação: A Algaroba (Prosopis juliflora) (SW) DC as potential phytoremediation agent of mining tailings in the Brazilian Northeast semiarid. As a part of Chapter 2 methodology, in addition to the bibliographic research, 6 points were collected randomly, in loco, for water collection, 3 of which were located in Area 1, mine brejuí, and 3 in the Area of farm 2, in the municipality of Santa Cruz- RN. The soil and plant tissues were also collected locally in 7 randomly collected samplings, 4 in area 1 and 3 in area 2. Samples were collected and taken to the Primary Processing and Reuse of Produced Water and Waste (NUPPRAR) of UFRN. The use of Prosopis juliflora (Sw) DC, as a potential phytoremediation agent, was analyzed through a descriptive analysis of the results and application of the Spearman correlation coefficient, confirming the significant association of these metals with soil, water and root of the algaroba. The Al, Cd, Co, Cr and Fe levels were at p <0.01 and Al, Cu and Mn at the p <0.05 level, thus confirming the algaroba as a strong candidate for phytoremediation of heavy metals from the mineral tailings. The study of the perception of the risk, allowed to evaluate the risk, communicating the population ways of minimizing the effects of exposure to toxic substances. With the results analyzed in the environmental compartments, algaroba was confirmed as a phytoremediation agent in the tailings area from mining, although new studies may attest to and corroborate with this that is the first report of the use of algaroba as a phytoremediate in situ in the semi-arid region the Northeast and the State of Rio Grande do Norte.

Interna - 2380571 - CIBELE SOARES PONTES
Externo à Instituição - EDUARDO LUIZ VOIGT - UFERSA
Presidente - 1674709 - VIVIANE SOUZA DO AMARAL
Notícia cadastrada em: 06/02/2019 10:09
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