PPGD/CCSA PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM DIREITO CENTRO DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS Telefone/Ramal: (84) 3342-2288/102 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/ppgd


Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 11/07/2021
TIME: 11:00

WOMEN AND REFUGEES: An analysis of the international protection of human rights granted to refugee women from the intersectional perspective between gender and refugee .


 International Human Rights Law; Gender; Migrant women; Refugee women; Combating Gender Violence.



PAGES: 154
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Direito

The main scope of this work is to analyze how the political and regulatory frameworks, whether domestic or international, related to the migratory policy adopted in them, investigating the existence of its own regulation relevant to the issues of migrant women, especially women who migrate forcibly, dedicated to analyzing the effectiveness of these measures in combating gender violence suffered by refugee women. To achieve the proposed general objective, we will start from the analytical identification of data relevant to the migrant flow, in a more general perspective, highlighting possible differentiated treatment according to the migrant's gender. From then on, we sought, throughout the work, to understand the phenomenon of the feminization of migration, as well as the migratory flow under the aegis of the perspective of the foreigner (in national territory) and the national (in foreign lands), adopting the Migratory Policy in a approach in the light of International Human Rights Law. We also go through the investigation of vulnerability factors to which refugee women residing in Brazil are subject, mapping the migratory flow and the main violence registered with their respective circumstances, through the information provided in this regard. Finally, it discusses the sufficiency or deficiency of the regulations concerning the protection of refugee women both in international diplomas and in the framework of the Brazilian legal system, in order to verify the implementation of the human rights of migrant women and the norms of jus cogens to them applied. Thus, using the hypothetical-deductive and dialectical methodology, considering the independent, dependent and intervening variables, this research uses the technique and the analysis of indirect documentation with primary and secondary sources, respectively. Opting for the quanti-qualitative approach, which privileges an exploratory study of the reality presented by the data brought and its characterization of the social and legal reality, discovering answers to problems through the use of scientific procedures. It is concluded, therefore, that the methodological aspects used in this research are suitable for its realization and enable reliable answers to the dilemma of putting the Brazilian refuge legislation into effect, especially from a gender perspective. It flows into the central interest of this work, which is demonstrated in the proposed problematization, which, therefore, questions some of the many aspects raised by the gaps in the applicability of the national and international legal framework for the theme of refuge in its gender facet as a double vulnerability added by condition of refugee women. The main scope of this work is to analyze how the political and regulatory frameworks, whether domestic or international, related to the migratory policy adopted in them, investigating the existence of its own regulation relevant to the issues of migrant women, especially women who migrate forcibly, dedicated to analyzing the effectiveness of these measures in combating gender violence suffered by refugee women. To achieve the proposed general objective, we will start from the analytical identification of data relevant to the migrant flow, in a more general perspective, highlighting possible differentiated treatment according to the migrant's gender. From then on, we sought, throughout the work, to understand the phenomenon of the feminization of migration, as well as the migratory flow under the aegis of the perspective of the foreigner (in national territory) and the national (in foreign lands), adopting the Migratory Policy in a approach in the light of International Human Rights Law. We also go through the investigation of vulnerability factors to which refugee women residing in Brazil are subject, mapping the migratory flow and the main violence registered with their respective circumstances, through the information provided in this regard. Finally, it discusses the sufficiency or deficiency of the regulations concerning the protection of refugee women both in international diplomas and in the framework of the Brazilian legal system, in order to verify the implementation of the human rights of migrant women and the norms of jus cogens to them applied. Thus, using the hypothetical-deductive and dialectical methodology, considering the independent, dependent and intervening variables, this research uses the technique and the analysis of indirect documentation with primary and secondary sources, respectively. Opting for the quanti-qualitative approach, which privileges an exploratory study of the reality presented by the data brought and its characterization of the social and legal reality, discovering answers to problems through the use of scientific procedures. It is concluded, therefore, that the methodological aspects used in this research are suitable for its realization and enable reliable answers to the dilemma of putting the Brazilian refuge legislation into effect, especially from a gender perspective. It flows into the central interest of this work, which is demonstrated in the proposed problematization, which, therefore, questions some of the many aspects raised by the gaps in the applicability of the national and international legal framework for the theme of refuge in its gender facet as a double vulnerability added by condition of refugee women.

Interno - 010.069.614-70 - LEONARDO OLIVEIRA FREIRE - SESED
Externa à Instituição - MARIA ROSA GUIMARÃES LOULA
Notícia cadastrada em: 01/07/2021 16:26
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