Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 30/11/2020
TIME: 09:30

SisperaH - Intelligent Hospital Waiting List Management System


Bed management; Waiting list; Bed regulation; Management system.

PAGES: 111
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Medicina

State of the art: Optimizing the waiting time for hospitalization has been a major problem for the Unified Health System (SUS), and for the quality of health services. Delay in care has significant impacts on well-being, chances of cure, the nature and extent of sequelae in the patients and family members involved. The situation is even more aggravating when, in addition to being high, deadlines are unpredictable. According to Ordinance No. 1,559 of August 1, 2008, which establishes the National Policy for Regulation of SUS, implemented in all federal units, respecting the competencies of the three management spheres, as an instrument that allows the fullness of health responsibilities assumed by the spheres of government: Health Systems Regulation; Regulation of Health Care; and Regulation of Access to Assistance, this entire management process must be guided by the institutional complexity profile, defined according to the contractual model agreed upon, following pre-established criteria between institutional management and state, municipal or federal management. Contracting is an instrumentation process with qualitative and quantitative targets, created by the Ministry of Health to guarantee assistance financing. Adapt this reality to a hospital university education becomes essential to equalize demand and productive capacity. The proposal of the system is to assist Federal University Hospitals, of the Ebserh network, to monitor in a unique way and in real time, the regulatory processes and control of patients on the list selected for hospitalization, evaluating the priority according to criticality for better time scheduling and minimization of waiting. However, it will bring benefits of optimization and agility in work processes, visibility of management indicators, improving the quality of care, ensuring user satisfaction. Problem: Hospital organizations present in their day-to-day a great challenge to reconcile the increase in demand with the installed capacity while maintaining the quality of service. Excessive hospital capacity has always been a serious problem for the world population, and it is no different in Brazil, thereby increasing mortality, causing slowness in the care of acute patients, which may even represent a threat to human rights. Adapting this reality to a university hospital is essential to equalize demand and production capacity. Given this, is it possible to create stratification strategies obeying criteria that allow the hospitalization of patients to occur in an equitable way, free from personal interests? Considering the bases developed to facilitate the understanding of the theme and the problem, the following question arises: Can the use of technologies such as the development of a system for organizing the patient waiting list promote improvements in the management of hospital beds? Objective: to develop a web software for intelligent management of the waiting list for hospitalization, in order to create stratification strategies according to criteria that allow the hospitalization of patients to occur in an equitable, effective and free of personal interests, from the time of entry into the list until admission. Methodology: Initially, this study was conducted based on a systematic review of the literature in search of concepts on management and management of waiting lists, better development strategies for organizing these lists and priority criteria for patient admission. Another point of development of the SisperaH web system, consisted of the need to carry out an applied research, whose objective is to generate knowledge for practical application, aimed at solving specific problems (KAUARK, 2010). It uses the technological method, that is, it is concerned with the creation of a new product (ANGELONI et al., 2016) - a web software, not always based on classic scientific knowledge, but rather on optimization of bed management, considering for this the organization of the waiting list of patients for hospitalization according to priority criteria, providing agility in the decision process. Results and Discussions: It is a challenge to invest in innovation and technology to guarantee the improvement of health care in our country, that is why SISPERAH - Intelligent Hospital Waiting List Management System, is of great necessity to maintain an effective evaluation, showing the growing benefits in the organization and inclusion of patients on the waiting list with homogeneous criteria of priority for hospitalization. In addition, the system will make it possible to collect information in its true magnitude, reflecting the real problem, so that it can be evaluated continuously the management flow of the waiting list, controlling data to minimize the waiting time, helping to improve the quality of hospital indicators of the patient's hospital stay, occupancy rate and bed turnover. With this system, hospital institutions will be able to evaluate the clinical criteria of greater comorbidity, the waiting time of patients for each specialty, evaluating the demand, the effects caused by waiting, levels of satisfaction, quality of life of patients, and relevant contributions to the hospital, ensuring equity based on patient-centered care. Conclusion: it is expected to be able to optimize the waiting time of patients, improve the flow and resolution for clinical hospitalization in different specialties in an equitable, effective and free of personal interests and, consequently, decrease morbidity and mortality, increasing the rate of hospital occupation and turnover. of bed, minimizing the rate of hospital stay. For this reason, SISPERAH - Intelligent Hospital Waiting List Management System, is of great need to maintain an effective evaluation, showing the growing benefits in the organization and inclusion of patients on the waiting list with homogeneous criteria of priority for hospitalization.

Presidente - 1229030 - HELIO ROBERTO HEKIS
Externo ao Programa - 3906147 - ALDAIR DE SOUSA PAIVA
Externo à Instituição - JORGE LUIZ PEREIRA E SILVA - UFBA
Notícia cadastrada em: 16/11/2020 17:59
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