Mediation of practical classes at the Museum of Morphological Sciences: a strategy for consolidating the teaching and learning of morphology for high school students.
Non-formal education, Practical Class, Learning in a Museum, Morphology.
Teaching is undoubtedly a fascinating art for those who have a vocation for education. However, many challenges are encountered by teachers so that this teaching can achieve overwhelming results, especially when the subject is Biology. There are many terms that are difficult to assimilate and most public schools do not provide practical learning to students. In this context, the present work was formulated to evaluate how the Museum of Morphological Sciences (MCM) at UFRN can contribute to the practical learning of high school students about Morphology. This museum space, here also recognized as a non-formal educational space, has a large collection of formolized, taxidermied and also plastinated pieces, arranged in three large exhibition rooms: Human Anatomy, Comparative Anatomy and Sea Room, and has the presence of qualified monitors to guide visitors on a fascinating journey of knowledge. Thus, 6 (six) classes from the 3rd year of high school at the Edgar Barbosa State School, located in the city of Natal/RN, participated in the research, totaling 180 students. However, after inclusion and exclusion requirements, only 63 (sixty-three) students were considered for statistical purposes. Initially, students' prior knowledge was assessed through a questionnaire, which also served as a guiding element for the preparation of the theoretical class. At another time, the students' biology teacher gave a theoretical lesson in the classroom on the Morphology of the Human Respiratory System, and after 24 hours the students answered a questionnaire containing 10 (ten) multiple choice questions, based on the subject studied. . Subsequently, the students participated in a practical class in the MCM auditorium in addition to the theoretical class, this time being taught by the museum's monitors. Due to the large number of students, the practical class took place over three days, but following the same dynamics and offering the same quality to everyone. At MCM, students were separated into groups and then taken to a stand, which was an organized bench with various anatomical pieces (synthetic, formaldehyde and/or plastinated), where they received information transmitted by the monitor about a region of the respiratory system. , having access to look at and/or handle the available parts. They remained there for ten minutes and after the beep, they went to the next stand, making a total of 5 stands, separated as follows: Stand 1 – nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses; Stand 2 – pharynx and larynx; Stand 3 – trachea and bronchi; Stand 4 – pulmonary bronchioles and alveoli; Stand 5 – lungs. Next, the students responded again to a questionnaire after 24 hours of the practical class, identical to the previous one, aiming to quantify and compare the results between these two moments. Through this research, the results obtained demonstrated that the UFRN Morphological Sciences Museum achieved numerical indices favorable to the consolidation of knowledge of high school students, proving to be important for the school community, as a non-formal teaching space.