Towards a Metaprocess for Microservice Migration
Microservice Migration
Essence pattern
Architectures based on microservices have been one of the main forms of
software development, being adopted as a starting point in the idealization of
programs, considering characteristics such as maintainability, scalability and
reliability. In order to obtain the advantages of working with microservices,
companies opt for the migration of their monolithic applications to microser-
vices, being carried out in an ad-hoc way, resulting in expenditure of time
and money. The migration process from monolithic architectures to micro-
services becomes complex due to the lack of definition of the activities that
are necessary for the migration, which are essential to obtain the advantages
of working with microservices. This work presents a Metaprocess for Micro-
service Migration Metaprocess Kernel (M3K), with the objective of helping
developers in the migration of monolithic applications to microservices. M3K
uses the definition of the Essence pattern from Object Management Group
(OMG), analyzing fundamental elements in the development of software such
as agents, activities and products.