Management and Orchestration of Elastic Network Slices in NECOS LSDC-Defined Domains
NECOS, Management and Orchestration, Network Slicing, Network Softwarization, Network Function Virtualization.
The Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing (NECOS) project is fostered by the 4th Horizon 2020 Collaborative Call between Brazil and Europe (EUB-01-2017: Cloud Computing}. The NECOS project address existing cloud computing and networking limitations to support the heterogeneous demands of new services and verticals. The solution proposed by NECOS is based on a new concept called Lightweight Slice Defined Cloud (LSDC), which considers lightweight tools capable for Management and Orchestration (MANO) of resources that are combined and aggregated to provide end-to-end cloud- and network-level slices (called Cloud-Network Slicing). This Masters research proposes a set of building blocks that extends the NECOS architecture with MANO of network-slice parts composing active or to be activated, cloud-network slice instances in domains defined by the NECOS platform so that provisioning end-to-end resource-guaranteed connectivity and with high-level isolation by exploring the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) concept. In addition, the proposed building blocks follow the Network Softwarization paradigm for enabling automatic resource control at the running time to ensure Quality of Service (QoS) and network-slice resiliency. The proposed solution will be evaluated in a lab-premised testbed under the Future Internet Services and Applications Research Group (REGINA-Lab) Laboratory, whereby the entire Internet NECOS platform participates, along with the building blocks proposed in this Master dissertation. A preliminary evaluation was performed under experiments that consider a real environment defined by NECOS cloud-network slices, suggesting that this approach presents itself as a viable solution.