Aqüeducte: A Service for Heterogeneous Data Integration in Smart Cities
Heterogeneous data, Data integration, Linked Data, NGSI-LD, Smart cities
The evolution and development of new technological solutions for smart cities has grown significantly in recent years. The scenario of smart cities consists of a large amountof data, arranged in a decentralized way, from various devices and applications. This context presents challenges related to data interoperability, including information sharing,data collection from multiple sources (web services, archives, systems in general, etc.),and availability on development platforms focused on applications for intelligent cities.Considering these challenges, this work presents Aqüeducte , a service that provides collection, filtering and conversion of data from various sources to the data exchangeprotocol, NGSI-LD. In this way, it allows the use of data through an importing process tothe Smart Geo Layers middleware (SGeoL) that use of the same protocol. In addition,it provides management of files of various formats, as well as supports relationship ofdata from different domains. All these functionalities are offered through a high level webapplication that aims at providing ease use to the final user to carry out the aforementionedprocesses. This work, in turn, describes the architecture, implementation and methodologyused by Aqüeducte for: (i) extracting data from heterogeneous data sources, (ii) enriching them according to the NGSI-LD data format using the concept of Linked-data togetherwith ontologies, via the LGeoSIM data model, and (iii) publishing them in middlewarebased on the NSGI-LD protocol, which in the case of this work is SGeoL. The use ofAqüeducte is also described in real world intelligent city scenarios