A Multi-Agent Architecture for Supporting Digital Game-Based Learning
Educational games, Learning Objects, IEEE LOM, Virtual Learning Environment, Multi-agent architecture, Recommender Systems
Despite their benefits to the learning process, videogames are still not widely used in school environments. The adoption of these materials introduces complexity to the teaching/learning process that lacks time to organize game-based learning activities. There are many tools and environments used to provide instructional materials and other resources related to a particular subject. However, the excess of information available combined with the different individual needs can deviate the focus of the users of what is most relevant to their learning context. Therefore, there is an increasing use of Recommender Systems (RS) in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), in order to provide the most relevant resources for supporting the learning experiences of the user. Thus, the objective of this paper is to present a multi-agent architecture that, from a study plan, recommends educational digital games suitable to the preferences and the context of the user.