Keywords: Portuguese Language Teaching. Literacy Projects. Entrepreneurship. Youth and Adult Education.
Work with the theme of entrepreneurship is not often seen in schools in general, and especially in schools that offer the EJA modality. And, when it is worked on, it is not seen in Portuguese Language classes. In this way, our research presents an unprecedented character, since it is a project that unites different areas. Our proposal offers students of this modality the opportunity to work on a theme that goes beyond the walls of the school and that can contribute to the daily social practices of those involved in our research. Given this, the present work aims to analyze an intervention in the writing practices of students of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) using Literacy Projects. For this, we will adopt the concepts of Textual Genres, according to Marcuschi (2008), Literacy, according to Kleiman (1991; 1995; 2001), Barton (1998) and Oliveira (2010) and Literacy Projects according to Oliveira, Santos and Tinoco (2014), Kleiman (2000) and Oliveira (2008). Methodologically, it is action research (THIOLLENT, 2011; TRIPP, 2005), with a qualitative data approach (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1994). The scenario of our investigation was a public school of the state network, located in the city of Currais Novos/RN, which operates exclusively with the EJA modality and the participants were 7 students from block B of elementary school. The data generation instruments used were field notes, questionnaires with open and closed questions, interviews, reading/writing activities, and photographic records. The development of our research was thought together with its participants, since the work with literacy projects must start from the interests of those involved in it. We work in the Language and Literacy concentration area, using writing practices and the use of literacy projects and textual genres, with the Administration area that works with entrepreneurship. We can also point out that there are few projects developed with EJA students in Brazil, since there are few public policies for this modality, which in our view needs to be changed. At the end of our study, we will analyze together with the participants whether the methodology of the literacy projects generated any improvement in their writing process in the classroom.