Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 19/11/2018
HORA: 11:00
LOCAL: A combinar
Teaching of mechanical ventilation with focus on patient safety for the multi-professional team of the Adult ICU of HUOL.



Health education; permanent education; mechanical ventilation; patient safety.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências da Saúde
ÁREA: Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional

Due to the increased use of mechanical ventilation for the world, your relevance as life support, and their potential risk to patients ' health when used inappropriately, the present study aims to develop a model for education improve learning about mechanical ventilation, with a focus on patient safety to the multidisciplinary team of professionals HUOL; draw up an instrument checklist for respiratory monitoring of patients on mechanical ventilation in order to reduce errors; perform content validation checklist by experts and assess the students ' knowledge about the management of alarms, functional testing, monitoring of mechanical fan and main problems related to the same, before and after training specific, as final product of this work, in order to improve welfare practices. For realization of this work we use a research-action methodology, in this method the problems identified during the search must be resolved in the course of this, in order to assist the agent on your manufacturing activity (liberator); is a research that investigates his own practice with the purpose to improve there. A checklist for respiratory care of the patient in mechanical ventilation, as well as, your validation performed by professionals of the multidisciplinary team, in addition to a theoretical practical training in April 2018 in the Hospital Onofre Lopes University, on patient safety in mechanical ventilation, with load time of 16 hours, using active teaching methodologies. A questionnaire before and after the training was applied to evaluate the knowledge concerning the management of alarms, respiratory and fan monitoring, functional testing and main problems of the mechanical ventilator. The 47.2% Professional categories were nursing technicians and 28.3% were nurses (table 1). The median age was 36.9 years, with an average of 13.5 years time of formed and 5.8 years experience in ICU. Of the 27 top level professionals, 81.5% reported experience in Intensive Therapy and/or Urgency and emergency. Only 18.9% reported previous training in mechanical ventilation with focus on patient safety. In the evaluation questionnaire applied before and after training, 22.6% acknowledged having knowledge to handle the mechanical respirator safely before the training, a percentage that rose to 58.5% (p < 0.05). Regarding the frequency of alarms check the fan, it was found that after the training there was an increase of 1.9% to 18.9% (p < 0.05) of professionals who claimed to know about this aspect. On the issue related to know what would be the possible monitoring, there was no difference with the training. In the setting of alarms has been possible to evidence that rose from 41.5% to 64.15% (p < 0.05) the percentage of professionals who reported knowing adjust the mechanical ventilator alarms after the course. In tracheostomy care and oro-tracheal tube, there was an increased knowledge of 69.8% to 83.01% (p < 0.05), and 39.6% to 77.4% (p < 0.05) regarding what to do in case of failure of the mechanical ventilator. The training proved effective in most of the variables analyzed, as well as helped in the understanding of the need to implement a policy of permanent education. It was also possible to get the approval of the management of the ICU so we could implement our checklist in order to confirm your utility and proven relevance for your validation.

Externo ao Programa - 1754525 - IVAN DANIEL BEZERRA NOGUEIRA
Interno - 3050262 - MARCELO VIANA DA COSTA
Presidente - 1645299 - MARISE REIS DE FREITAS
Notícia cadastrada em: 19/10/2018 22:36
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