Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 01/02/2018
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: sala 03, do 4º subsolo do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes

Interprofessional Education in Health and the development of collaborative skills in training in nursing and medicine.

Higher education, Competency-Based Education; Interprofessional Relations.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências da Saúde
ÁREA: Medicina

Significant changes in the reality of people's health and health impose on health services the challenge of understanding and intervening effectively and resolutely about the many health needs, implying the adoption of a new logic of health care. Confronting this problem also implies changing the profiles of health professionals so that they are able to respond to the complex and dynamic demands of these health needs. In view of these challenges, Interprofessional Education - EIP has been widely discussed as an important strategy to transform the current training context, in order to train professionals who are more capable of teamwork, in meeting these needs. The research aims to: Understand the perception of professionals and teachers about Interprofessional Education for the development of collaborative skills in Nursing and Medicine formation; Discuss with professionals and teachers the collaborative skills required for health work; to elaborate a matrix of collaborative competencies to be adopted in the initiatives of interprofessional education in health in the training in nursing and medicine and to discuss pedagogical proposals that support the adoption of interprofessional actions for the formation of collaborative competences in health. A qualitative study, of the type research action, of exploratory nature. The research had teaching subjects of UFRN and UERN Nursing, both in Caicó. It was carried out in two stages: a workshop for discussion and construction of collaborative skills, through the construction of panels and discussion and elaboration of teaching and learning strategies and evaluation of collaborative skills. The qualitative data collected were analyzed from the Bardin Content Analysis, where discussions were carried out in the light of the theoretical framework and synthesized in a matrix of collaborative skills and methodological and evaluation strategies, considering the scenarios of the two courses. It was observed that professionals and teachers recognize the existence of fragmentation in health care, the difficulty of teamwork, isolation in professional training, and the need to rethink the interaction between teaching and service. Despite this, it was identified that the theme of interprofessional education and collaborative practices is still little known and discussed, both in academic and professional practice, presenting difficulties in the definition and conceptual differentiation of EIP and collaborative practices. Although the Curricular Guidelines for both the Medicine course and the Nursing Course, bring the need for a competency-based training, it was noticed a difficulty in the structuring of the panels of collaborative competences, related both to what would be competencies, and to the systematization of the necessary skills in the formation of collaborative practices. Stimulating the development of interprofessional education and the development of collaborative practices in nursing and medical education is a strategic action to change the health care model and improve the quality of care. The adoption of an interprofessional education plan in both courses is an important instrument for teaching practice in the two educational institutions in the implementation of a training in the perspective of interprofessional education and collaborative practices, with positive results in the process of construction and consolidation of the System Health.

Presidente - 866.325.153-04 - MARCELO VIANA DA COSTA - UERN
Interno - 2495713 - ROSIANE VIANA ZUZA DINIZ
Notícia cadastrada em: 19/01/2018 09:32
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