PPGMUS PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM MÚSICA ESCOLA DE MÚSICA Telefone/Ramal: (84) 99474-6734 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/ppgmus


Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 29/09/2017
HORA: 16:00
LOCAL: Sala 22 Escola de Musica
Musical Education and Cultural Action in Basic Education: analysis of the project "Potiguar Music in the School


musical education; cultural action; cultural policies; basic education

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Artes

This dissertation approaches the current situation of music education in Brazil, based on the appreciation of diversity. In this perspective, I emphasize the importance of interaction with this diversity through other musical agents and cultural spaces for the development of cultural projects in schools, in order to encourage the participation of the school community, contributing to the re-signification of the school as a cultural space in society .

In order to do so, the general objective is to investigate the musical formation of teachers and students from a cultural action in the school, also trying to investigate how the teachers of the school appropriated the theme of the project to the planning of the activities in the classroom; investigate the students' perspective on the project; diffuse the appreciation of the school as a democratic space for the circulation of cultures in society.

In this sense, I explore the concept of cultural action adapting it to the context of musical education in the basic school; I present references of cultural policies for cultural action in education and raise the goals and targets of the main guiding documents for this practice in school. Finally, I defend the conception of the school as an active cultural space in society, where new connections between curriculum content and the participation of the school community in cultural projects are possible, as well as the empowerment of music educators to re-signify the school institution and the education sector. cultural production in society. Through the third edition of the Potiguar Música na Escola project, carried out in a primary school I, involving the participation of the teachers of the school, the team of pedagogical coordinators and the artist Carlos Zens, the research is characterized as a participatory qualitative research and also makes use of ethnographic techniques.

As partial results, we identify that: cultural action in the school allows significant experiences for the musical formation of students and teachers; cultural action at school promotes integration between the entire school community; musical education is an area conducive to inter / transdisciplinary approaches; there are gaps in initial and continuing teacher training in relation to the development of cultural action projects in schools; there are barriers in cultural policies and institutions linked to education that make it difficult to carry out these projects; and that cultural action at school, given the influence of the media industry, allows a more democratic access, especially to the musical diversity of popular culture.

Interno - 1127895 - AGOSTINHO JORGE DE LIMA
Externo ao Programa - 298980 - ELIANE LEAO
Presidente - 1648016 - JEAN JOUBERT FREITAS MENDES
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/09/2017 17:56
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