Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 31/07/2020
TIME: 10:00
LOCAL: Virtual

The discursive role of proverbial utterances and détournements/detours in the materiality of discursive formations



Proverbial utterances. Imitation. Heterogeneity. Polyphony. Discursive Formations.

PAGES: 143
BIG AREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Linguística
SUBÁREA: Teoria e Análise Linguística

In the field of Discourse Analysis, researches that address the distinction of Discursive Formations (DF) and interdiscursive relations do not prioritize the study and analysis of the genre proverb, nor do they address the study of enunciative heterogeneity and polyphony of the proverbial utterances, and of the détournements/detours, which are a reflection of the place the subject occupies in a given social structure. The perceptible coercions and antagonisms in the voices that emerge in the popular proverbs, and in the détournements/detours situate the discursive subject, moreover ideologically. Along these lines, in this research we analyze proverbs and the détournements/detours in their context of use, to verify their participation and relevance in DFs. Our research question refers to the contribution of popular proverbs and détournements/detours in the materiality of the DFs, relying on the hypothesis that the proverbial utterances provided by a generic speaker,  keep a direct relationship with the dominant ideology, enabling, through its polyphonic and heterogenous character, the distinction of the FDs, which infuse a given field of discourse. Also, the détournements/detours represent a type of ideological militancy/opposition, aboveall in the cases of subversion. The contribution of the proverbs and détournements/detours to the discursive materiality is, therefore, ideological. Our general objective is to distinguish what is the contribution of the popular proverbs and détournements/detours in the materiality of the FDs. Specifically, we seek to analyze the imitation of the proverbial utterances – caption and subversion; analyze the heterogeneity and polyphony of the proverbs and détournements/detours; and distinguish the discursive formations in which the proverbial utterances and détournements/detours are inscribed. To this end, we rely on the theories of Maingueneau (1997; 2001; 2008; 2010; 2014; 2015; 2016), Foucault (2008), Althusser (1985), Pêcheux (1969; 1997), Authier-Revuz (1990), Ducrot (1987), Mussalim (2016), and others. The research is characterized as qualitative, with quantitative support, in which proverbial utterances are analyzed and détournements/detours are extracted from Facebook Pages of “Brasil 247” and “The Antangonist”. Methodologically, our research followed these distinct phases/processes:1. Tabulation of commentaries with proverbial utterances, détournements/detours and highlighted phrases collected in aforementioned sources; 2. integral relation of the proverbs, détournements/detours and highlighted phrases collected, distinguishing their meaning, possible variations and indexations; 3 categorization of the détournements/detours-captação and subversão; 4. Tabulation of the proverbial utterances and/or détournements/detours in quotes, aiming to verify/distinguish the implications of the use of quotation marks, an example of shown marked heterogeineity; and 5. Application of the principles of Ducrot (1987), particularly observing the cases of negation and  pressupositon,  to distinguish, in a single utterance, the emergence of more than one voice. Preliminary results show that the proverbial utterances and détournements/detours contribute to the materiality of the FDs in so far as they are what Réboul (1975, p. 123, author’s emphasis) calls “ideological style”. Eminently ideological and argumentative, they neatly cross the borders between the very interior and exterior of the discourses, showing a glimpse of the regularities of the discursive formations.

Presidente - 1720830 - MARCELO DA SILVA AMORIM
Externo à Instituição - ROSA MARINA DE BRITO MEYER
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/06/2020 14:06
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