Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 05/08/2016
HORA: 10:00
LOCAL: Auditório A do CCHLA

Morphosyntactic and discursive functions of TIPO in the speech of young people from Natal (RN)


TIPO; morphosyntactic functions; discursive functions; functionalist approach 

GRANDE ÁREA: Lingüística, Letras e Artes
ÁREA: Lingüística
SUBÁREA: Teoria e Análise Lingüística

This dissertation, based on the American linguistic functionalism (GIVÓN, 1981, 1995, 2001; HOPPER, 1991), investigates the usages of the linguistic item TIPO in morphosyntactic and discursive functions in the speech of the youth from Natal. For that, the analyzed corpus is compounded by four sociolinguistic interviews which come from the database named Banco de Dados FALA-Natal (TAVARES; MARTINS, 2014). In these interviews, which were conducted with speakers between 15 and 21 years old, I collected 194 occurrences of the subject of study. The main goal of the research is mapping and describing the morphosyntactic and discursive functions that the item in focus has been playing in the Brazilian Portuguese (BP) spoken in Natal/RN, mostly considering the structural and semantic-pragmatic properties categorized from each of those functions, having as data source the speech of the younger age group, in which TIPO occurs more frequently. This work, adding to others like Lima-Hernandes (2005), Rodrigues (2009), Castelano and Ladeira (2010), Thompson (2013) and Dória and Alves (2014), contributes to the description of the BP as well as it provides knowledge which may base a reflexive, embracing and useful language teaching in the basic level, since I deal with a linguistic phenomenon which is very common in real communicative situations and which plays important roles within grammar. Besides the abovementioned works, I also base this one on D’Arcy (2005) and Levey (2006), who investigated, in English, the usage of LIKE – element quite similar in behavior to the one here studied, pragmatically and structurally speaking – because I intend to contribute to the functionalist studies of typological nature, briefly comparing the functions performed by the element TIPO in the BP and by the element LIKE in English. This comparison may also bring theoretical foundation to more systematized comparative studies between speech samples from BP and English and their different varieties. The comparison between the usages of TIPO and the usages of LIKE leads to useful knowledge for the Portuguese and English teaching as foreign languages. The results obtained indicate twelve functions performed by TIPO. Four of these functions were classified as morphosyntactic – in which TIPO plays more textual roles like: exemplification, comparison, explanation and conclusion; and eight functions were classified as discursive ones, in which TIPO plays more interactional roles, namely: factual introduction, introduction of internal dialogue, informational inaccuracy marking, elaboration marking, reworking marking, emphasis marking, sequencing marking and approximate delimitation. The morphosyntactic function that has presented a major number of occurrences of the item was the exemplification one, probably because for being that one in which the element has been longer working. In contrast, conclusion has been the one with the lesser number of occurrences, perhaps for being the most innovative function. Regarding the discursive functions, the one with a bigger average of usage was the elaborating marking, including within the general framework of the controlled functions. In this case, the greater quantity may be related to the communicative situation given by the sociolinguistic interview and to the age group of the language users, bearing in mind that the most interactional usages are the most innovative ones, as it has already been diagnosed in previous diachronic and synchronic researches (cf. LIMA-HERNANDES, 2005; THOMPSON, 2013). This fact makes me believe that TIPO has been following a trajectory of grammaticalization in which it functionally goes from ideational field towards the interactional/interpersonal field (cf. TRAUGOTT, 1982; ROMAINE; LANGE, 1991). In structural terms, TIPO has showed highly mobility concerning its position in the sentence, whether in more textual or interactional roles, corroborating the idea of grammaticalization by syntactic expansion proposed by Traugott (2010; 2014). As compared to LIKE in English, TIPO shares many functional and structural similarities, possibly because of similar cognitive and pragmatic pressures regarding the trajectories of grammaticalization followed by the two elements.

Presidente - 1451510 - MARIA ALICE TAVARES
Interno - 1298209 - SHIRLEY DE SOUSA PEREIRA
Externo à Instituição - MARLUCE COAN - UFC
Notícia cadastrada em: 25/07/2016 08:44
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