Carolina Maria de Jesus; Literary Space; Deposit Room and Topoanalysis.
This work analyzes the construction of the literary space present in the work Quarto de Despejo: diário de una favelada, of the mining writer Carolina Maria de Jesus, published in August 1960. Carolina de Jesus, through her written vigor, narrated the continuing adversities that encompassed her daily life as a single mother, paper collector and resident of the Canindé favela, located in the central region of São Paulo. The aim of this study is to analyze the multiple interpretations carried out by Carolina on her space of coexistence, highlighting the connections established between the writer and the other inhabitants of the favela, so we emphasize the experiences of the lived, propitiated by the social relations and intimate life of the author. To this goal, I use as mythology the topoanalysis, developed by Ozíris Borges Filho, which allows a broad interpretation of the literary space. To this end, I investigate how Carolina Maria de Jesus woven the creation of spaces in her literary production, from her point of view on the world that surrounded her. I use the concept of landscape proposed by Michel Collor and problematize how the spaces experienced by her are being delineated by her emotions, expressed through her writing. In addition, I mobilize Didi-Huberman's image concept to deepen the analysis. Similarly, I use the concept of writing yourself, proposed by Angela de Castro Gomes, to understand how Carolina builds an architectural memory of herself and the Canindé residents.