PPGTUR/CCSA PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM TURISMO CENTRO DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS Téléphone/Extension: (84) 99193-6458 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/ppgtur


Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 31/08/2022
TIME: 13:30
LOCAL: https://meet.google.com/sfc-hxwg-kgj

Tourism and resilience in local communities within the scope of protected natural areas


Tourism. Resilience. Jenipabu Environmental Protection Area.

PAGES: 122
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Turismo

Within the scope of protected natural areas, one of the elements of the socio-ecological tourism system most affected and intimately involved are the local communities, since from the conception to the transformation of the legally protected area, they face several challenges, many of which are linked to social issues, and which , consequently, feel pressured to adapt to that environment, mainly due to the accelerated expansion of territorial occupation, to the socioeconomic development models based on the exploitation of natural resources, extractivism and agribusiness, environmental preservation, the entry of foreign capital into the region, extreme poverty, in addition to local social conflicts, as well as political exclusion and lack of interest of the local community in participating in tourism planning. Linked to this, the implementation of a summarily economic vision in tourism, with the absence of correct planning and adequate management, has promoted the most diverse impacts on communities. Therefore, this thesis proposal has as its main objective to understand how the pressures and impacts of tourism in the Jenipabu Environmental Protection Area (APAJ) interfere in the process of resilient response of the surrounding local communities. The research has an exploratory and descriptive qualitative approach. In addition, it has a systematic bibliographic research with the help of the Knowledge Development Process - Constructivist (Proknow-C), with the support of Zotero free software, as well as documentary and field research. As for the data collection plan, semi-structured and in-depth interviews will be carried out, a discussion group will also be held based on the methodology of the Participatory Diagnosis of Conservation Units (DiPUC), application of the Quest_Resilience questionnaire, on-site observations and photographic records. The study has a proposal for an analytical model the Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response-Resilience (DPSIR-R) (Europen Environmental Agency, 1999), where it will be adapted and supported in the discussion and understanding from the epistemological basis of the paradigm system of tourism, the Sistur (Beni, 1998). The process of analyzing and interpreting the data will take place through descriptive and content analysis. At the end of this research, it is expected to understand how the pressures and impacts of tourism in the Jenipabu Environmental Protection Area can interfere in the resilient response process of the surrounding local communities, in order to discuss and reflect on alternatives and new directions in management. and planning for sustainable and resilient tourism, in which communities can collectively leverage resilient behavior and thus ensure the ability to face, resist and overcome tourism adversities, crises and instabilities.

Externa ao Programa - 1811609 - CLEBIA BEZERRA DA SILVA - nullInterna - ***.518.019-** - JENNIFER CAROLINE SOARES - NÃO INFORMADO
Presidente - ***.062.389-** - KERLEI ENIELE SONAGLIO - UnB
Externa à Instituição - SINTHYA PINHEIRO COSTA - IFPB
Notícia cadastrada em: 31/07/2022 13:28
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