The Capoeira and the Play: The Construction of the Capoeira-Body
Play; Capoeira; Ritualistic Practice; Body-Capoeira; Scene.
This work seeks to raise reflections about the game developed in the Capoeira-Body workshops using capoeira as a support for the entire work. The aim is to investigate capoeira with all its symbolic, technical and poetic material, looking for elements that can add to the body work of the actor and actress, thinking about the scene based on this language. This research unites two distinct languages that speak to each other: capoeira and ritual theater, with the game being the common point that makes the languages intersect. The passage through the groups Cordão de Ouro and Capoeira Brasil was taken as a reference for the study as they established connections with the philosophy and practice of the foundations of regional, Angolan and contemporary capoeira. The workshop developed for the Arkhétypos Theater Group of UFRN constitutes the basis of the case study that underpins the methodological approach of the research. For the implementation of this workshop, capoeira elements were considered that could add and change the body state of the actor and actress, reflecting on how these elements can be thought of scenically.