Buffoon technique: theoretical and practical possibilities for the contemporary actor
buffoon, deformity, technical.
This research presents reflections on the buffoon and its relationship with the scenic work. A study of specific exercises aims to understand how they can contribute to the training of contemporary actor, addressing the technical challenges contributions to the work of Olavo buffoons Group, the city of João Pessoa - PB. The aim is to develop a brief historical outline of the clown figure, with emphasis on the Middle Ages, during which his presence seems to have been more evident from the study of popular culture in medieval Bakhtin. The focus is primarily on research "body bufonesco", aiming to clarify what its characteristics and how it is configured in a grotesque aesthetic, under the concept of the term given by Victor Hugo. To understand why the buffoon becomes figure sidelined, also intended to observe how behavior patterns have been established in Western society, study the civilizing process pointed to by Norbert Elias. There is a survey of practical aspects based on participation in workshops with influential theorists and bufonescos actors and, above all, with experiments in training with the aforementioned group and study beth Lopes and Juliana Garden, which specifically discuss about the buffoon technique. . Such experiments are intended as the buffoon, realizing what are the specific elements of this technique. Such reflections will serve to understanding how is the buffoon technique in training contemporary actor and seek to realize the influence of this practice from physical labor to the development of a critical speech from the creation in dialogue with various elements of society .