health technology assessment; health technology assessment center; evidence-based health; NATS guideline, NATS, ATS.
State of art: Teaching Hospitals prove to be a fertile field for the promotion and diffusion of the innovative and researching spirit, due to their intrinsic objective of Teaching, Research and Innovation. In Brazil, the emergence of NATS in Public Teaching Hospitals occurred as part of the strategy to strengthen the Professional Training and Continuing Education Working Group of Rebrats, which aimed to promote and disseminate the area of health technology assessment (ATS) in Brazil. Problem: According to the Situational Diagnosis carried out in the Network's hospitals between 2018 and 2020, it was observed that almost half of the Ebserh branches did not have NATS in place and those that did, had limited functioning due to difficulties such as reduced staff and overlapping load- hourly with assistance services, low staff training, deficient infrastructure, among others. Objective: Thus, the objective of this study is to Elaborate a National Guideline to direct the Federal University Hospitals affiliated with Ebserh regarding the structuring, restructuring and strengthening of the Health Technology Assessment Centers, to technically assist the hospital management regarding management decisions health technologies. Decisions to include, exclude or replace health technologies in the hospital, when based on scientific evidence, lead to the rational use of these technologies, as well as providing the manager with efficient management of public resources. Methodology: For the development of this professional master's research, a bibliographic survey of articles was carried out in different search tools, based on the descriptors "Health Technology Assessment", "Health Technologies", "Technology Assessment", "Health Economics" , “Health Judicialization”, “Health Technology Assessment Center”, “ATS” and “NATS”. Federal laws, manuals, guides and regulations of Ebserh also served as a source of research. In addition, we carried out a descriptive study of 2 situational diagnoses of NATS of the Network carried out by Ebserh and Analysis of the Work Processes of NATS documents of hospitals in the Network, to obtain best practices developed and developed in the Network. Results and Discussions: The study provided for the elaboration of a National Guideline for NATS of hospitals in the Ebserh Network, with guidelines on Structuring / Restructuring / Strengthening and Service Charter for Internal and External customers, based on federal regulations, from Ebserh and on good practices developed and executed by NATS from the Network. Conclusion: Thus, the elaboration of a National Guideline with guidelines for NATS of branch hospitals of the Ebserh Network positively impacts Federal University Hospitals - HUF whereas the presence of an area responsible for ATS, well structured and active, can be considered a valuable one. management instrument, as it subsidizes the hospital administrator with studies based on scientific evidence, leading him to make assertive decisions regarding the rational use of health technologies, thus promoting efficient management of public resources.