Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 17/07/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: google meet/mxe-bgsi-onu



FROM SULBATERNITY TO RESIGNIFICATION: the (techno) carnivalization under the guise of web 2.0 in stickers-libras


Sticker-Libras; Tecnogenre; Technography; Carnavalization; Digital resignification.


PAGES: 145
BIG AREA: Linguística, Letras e Artes
AREA: Linguística
SUBÁREA: Linguística Aplicada

With the rise of Web 2.0, social networks have undergone an upsurge of reticular messages that resulted in new writreadings, as well as new discursive genres. The digital starts to include, then, not only those who communicate through languages whose production and reception occur through the written record anchored in sound, but also covers the universe of deaf sign language users, in this case the Brazilian Sign Language – Libras. Given its linguistic modality that focuses on visuospatiality, cultural, socio-discursive and axiological values intertwined with the deaf and their idiosyncrasies are mixed. Although this work presents itself with bibliographic reviews of various interfaces, it seeks, above all, to problematize the production, circulation and interpretation of the stickers-Libras and specifically proposes to (I) corroborate that it is a techno-genre; (II) that there are bundles of regularities; and (III) that it enables the advent of a technography of Libras. The theoretical construct is essentially based on the epistemological tripartite: (techno) carnivalization, in the light of Bakhtinian circle; digital resignification biased by Digital Discourse Analysis (DDA), proposed by Marie-Anne Paveau (2017, 2019, 2021); and in comparison to Queer Studies in applied and indisciplinary linguistics (LOPES et al., 2022). In terms of methodological path, we resorted to digital ethnography (HINE, 2004, 2016; VALLADA et al., 2022) as a background; and for the purpose of exploring the stickers-Libras, we chose the social network WhatsApp as a research locus, since it is the most popular instant messaging platform (IM) in Brazil. Thus, three groups were selected: (1) a group where most are deaf and LGBTQIAP+ subjects; (2) a group of Education professionals from several Brazilian states; and (3) a group of sympathizers for the left-wing policies in Brazil, with the common factor that they are all users of Libras. Regarding the register of the utterances (technotexts) signaled in the stickers-Libras, the screenshots made it possible to subsidize their analysis. There are exceptions to animated stickers-Libras, which needed more than one record, and, for this reason, a hyperlink was inserted giving access to Youtube. In view of the data analysis, it was observed that party political issues stood out and influenced most of the technotexts. It is deduced that this was due to the fact that their productions took place in an election year chronotope (BAKHTIN, 2018). In the meantime, it was found that there was a recurrence of responsiveness through demeaning with the use of the lower body and the grotesque, as well as counter-discourses resignifying cyberviolence, or even a consensus between the two. In all of the language manifestations of the appreciated technogenre, the post-organic, (reified) body was present in discursive performances, entextualizing the other in a dialogical and dialectical relationship, entering the realm of post-dualism.


Presidente - 1476540 - CELLINA RODRIGUES MUNIZ
Externa ao Programa - 2313711 - FLAVIA ROLDAN VIANA - UFRNExterna ao Programa - 2356376 - SIMONE LORENA DA SILVA PEREIRA - UFRNExterno à Instituição - MÁRCIO GATTI - UFSCAR
Notícia cadastrada em: 12/07/2023 10:57
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