Gender; Sexuality; validation study; surveys and questionnaires.
Introduction: Transvestite and non-binary transsexual people are those whose gender of identification is different from that of birth. These gender dissenting people are confronted throughout their lives with an LGBTphobic society with lives marked by high levels of violence and discrimination. Despite these data presented, LGBT phobia and mainly transphobia is still underreported in Brazil and knowledge about this issue in research with more accurate methodologies, with ideal tools for this, is very shallow. One way to conduct research on this issue is through methodological tools such as questionnaires. In Brazil, despite the increasing number of studies with the LGBT population, it is still difficult to find validated measurement instruments specific to this audience. Objective: To translate, culturally adapt and validate The Gender Minority Stress and Resilience (GMSR) Measure for use in Brazil. Methodology: The work will consist of the process of translation, cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the manual of The Gender Minority Stress and Resilience (GMSR) Measure (questionnaire and manual) that will obey a methodological process with broad support to the semantic, idiomatic, experimental and conceptual translation requirements initial, synthesis of the translation, reverse translation, review by a committee of judges and pre-test of the final version, and later the validation. In the pre-test stage, the online questionnaire will be sent to transsexual, transvestite and non-binary people in the country. For data analysis, quantitative variables will be expressed as mean and standard deviation and qualitative variables expressed as frequency and percentage. The internal consistency, a property that reveals the degree of correlation between the items of the instrument, will be assessed by Cronbach's alpha. The statistical program SPSS, version for Windows®, will be used.