Assessment of oral health and temporomandibular disorders of institutionalized elderly and residents of the city of Cuité-PB.
Old age assistence; Quality of life; Oral health; Geriatric dentistry; Public health.
Objective: To evaluate a self-perception of oral health in the physical, psychosocial and pain/discomfort dimensions related to the clinical conditions and orofacial pain of institutionalized elderly people, living in the urban area and in the rural area of a city without interior of Paraíba. Method: A cross-sectional observational study with quantitative, population-based approach and non-probabilistic sampling for convenience among 81 elderly people, 27 of whom were residents of a long-term institution and the remaining unemployed by sex and age among urban and rural elderly. O QST/DTM (Questionnaire for the screening of patients with temporomandibular disorders) for the influences of orofacial pains and also the indices of biofilm in Tooth by Silness and Loe and in prosthetics by Ambjornesen. Results: There was a greater predominance of female elderly (74.1%), with 93.8% of the elderly being retired and 51.9% receiving from 2 to 5 minimum wages. A mean of the GOHAI was found to be 1.94 ± 0.927 with the highest average among urban dwellers, being 2.26 ± 0.813. Regarding QST/DTM, 67.9% of the patients were classified as carriers. Of the biofilm indices, 58% presented biofilm present in prosthesis or in teeth, with emphasis on the rural inhabitants where the observed frequency was higher, 81.5%. Conclusion: Elderly people in urban areas presented better oral health. More than the sample mean presented temporomandibular dysfunction. Rural elderly individuals presented a higher frequency of biofilm present in prosthesis or teeth, showing the pre-coherence of health in the introduction scenario.