Aiming to Venus: the photographic revolver and a Brazilian astronomer in Japan
Francisco Antônio de Almeida Júnior; Cultural History of Science; transit of Venus; photographic revolver
How the historical recovery of the scientific practice of a Brazilian astronomer in the 19th century can generate elements that contribute to the teaching of Astronomy? Addressed from this questioning, this research has the general objective to analyse, from the perspective of the Cultural History of Science, the contributions and the historical erasure of the Brazilian astronomer Francisco Antônio de Almeida Júnior, from his scientific practice. The theoretical framework we use is the branch of historiography called Cultural History of Science, which describes scientific practices as being cultural practices located in a specific time and space. The contribution of the Cultural History of Science (CHS) understands that the sciences should not be studied in culture, but as culture. In 1872, d'Almeida was sent by the director of the Imperial Observatory of Rio de Janeiro to study astronomy in France. The Brazilian astronomer participated in the French mission to observe the transit of Venus on December 9, 1874 in Nagasaki, Japan. On the occasion of the transit, d'Almeida was responsible for handling the photographic revolver designed by the astronomer Jules Janssen. D'Almeida returned to Brazil in 1876 and published two works directly associated with his experiences during the expedition: a scientific report (A Parallaxe do Sol e as passagens de Vênus - 1878) and a travel report (From Da França ao Japão: Narração de viagem e descrição histórica, usos e costumes dos habitantes da China, do Japão e de outros países da Ásia - 1879). However, despite his presence and contribution to the French scientific mission in the 19th century, this person is practically absent from the history of Brazilian astronomy. From primary and secondary sources, we rescued the participation of this person, also seeking to point out ways in which this recovery of the memory of an invisible actor and his scientific production can contribute to the teaching of Astronomy.