
The Graduate Program in the Teaching of Science and Mathematics (PPGECM) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), began its activities in the doctoral degree in August 2015 and in the academic master's degree in August 2017. It has been accredited by Capes in area of Teaching with grade 4, and focuses on the training/education of researchers for the development of research that seeks to understand issues of the basic and higher education system in the area of science and mathematics.

It has one concentration area: Teaching of Science and Mathematics, which is characterized by research in the Teaching of Physics, Teaching of Chemistry, Teaching of Biology and Mathematics Education. The lines of research are two:

a) Learning, teaching and training/education of teachers in science and mathematics, whose focus are the issues related to the teaching and learning process of Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and Mathematics and teacher training;

b) Culture, epistemology and education in Science and Mathematics focuses on the teaching and learning process of sciences and teacher training; process related to historical and epistemological issues.

The PPGECM takes into consideration, among its educational objectives, the following:


  • To provide students with education/training geared towards teaching/lecturing at undergraduate and graduate level as well as a broad and advanced scientific training, developing the individual research capacity and creativity;

  • To train/educate doctoral and master’s degree students committed to research, the construction and dissemination of knowledge in the Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, for the exercise of teaching, research, outreach and the professional activities in educational institutions of all levels of education and in other fields where it is possible to work in this area of knowledge;

  • To encourage and enrich the production and socialization of knowledge in the field of Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, through scientific publications and other forms of dissemination;

  • To contribute to the insertion of the Teaching of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in all spaces of formal and non-formal education, as well as for its continuous and critical reflection.


With these objectives, PPGECM hopes to contribute to the development of research and production of knowledge in the area of the teaching of science and mathematics, with a view to the implementation of projects geared towards promoting the national, regional and local development, focusing on the construction of citizenship.
The program relies on a faculty (that is currently expanding) comprising researchers and educators with experience in the production of knowledge and in the education/training of human resources at undergraduate and graduate level (master’s and doctoral degree) in the field of teaching.



Márcia Gorette Lima da Silva (coodinator 2022-2024):

Josivânia Marisa Danta (vice Coordinator 2022-2024):


PPGECM’s e-mail:
Institutional mobile phone: + 55 84 99193 6406
Secretary’s Phone number: + 55 84 3342 2239 Extension 204
Address: UFRN, Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, sala 6, Bairro Lagoa Nova, CEP 59.072-970
Office hours of the secretary: from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 02:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m.(From Monday to Friday)

Alternative Address

Program Coordination


    Telephone number: (84) 99229-6534

    Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment



    Telephone number: (84) 99229-6534

    Telephone number 2: Not available at this moment


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