Education for Sustainable Development
Our studies show that the UN launched in 2015 the Sustainable Development Goals, an agenda to be met by 2030. The UFRN and the State of Rio Grande do Norte have signed a commitment to implement the SDG precepts in their institutional documents, whether they are political, educational, social, economic, cultural and environmental issues. Therefore, it will be essential to think of strategies that improve people's lives, among people and with the planet, in the face of polarized relations of production and consumption and social justice. This is why it is so important to disseminate the SDGs in different teaching environments, where both primary and higher education learners as well as their educators are prepared to propose truly transformative education, in turn abandoning banking education. condemned by Paulo Freire, who values the excessive memorization and scientification of teaching. In this sense, understanding how this theme reaches the UFRN teacher training courses will be extremely relevant, since the fundamental question of this thesis, in which reality is thought, seeks to know how sustainability has been worked in the undergraduate courses in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Pedagogy, besides seeking to characterize the pedagogical praxis of these teachers in formation for the Education for Sustainable Development (EDS) with their students during the Supervised Internship at the partner schools. As a proposal to be able to identify the practice of this truly transformative education in UFRN teacher training courses, we are convinced that dialogue with Paulo Freire's thoughts will be our guiding motto, because only then can we politicize the issue of sustainability in order to adapt the thoughts of the ordinarily eurocentric UN SDGs to the Brazilian reality, especially in the Northeast of Brazil, in view of our proposal to analyze the conceptions of criticality, awareness and dialogicity that should guide both the pedagogical strategies of the students and their students. as well as the official documents governing these curriculum components under consideration.