Resistance songs; Counterideology; EJA; Literary Literacy.
Resistance and protest songs express realities and experiences that may be similar to those of Youth and Adult Education (from Portuguese, EJA) students, marked by oppression, exclusion, and social inequality. These songs, as they are literary manifestations, tend to go against the prevailing ideology, serving as a way of contesting the established status quo. Based on this scenario, the general objective of this work is to present some of the paths of black-themed literature in Brazil. In addition, to elaborate an intervention project for the EJA, in a literary literacy format and a didactic sequence, from some resistance songs, as well as other literary texts that have intertextualities with the songs. To contemplate the general objective, bibliographic research is being prepared that will serve as a source for action research. Action research is the intervention project, which will be done through the elaboration and execution of the basic and expanded didactic sequence, in which students are placed to be protagonists in problem-solving. The main theoretical basis is woven with: Césaire (1939); Munanga (2003), (2009); Duarte (2008), (2011); Bernd (1988); Evaristo (2009); Bosi (1977), (2010); Candido (1995); Lajolo (1989); Compagnon (2009); Dolz & Schneuwly (2004); Cosson (2006) (2020); Freire (1987), (1996); and Bakhtin (2003). At the end of the didactic sequence, is expected that the project will serve as a source of an application of classes for elementary school teachers, to emancipate and include audiences previously excluded from society, such as EJA students.